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No pain - no gain in What's Happening

  • Oct. 15, 2020, 8:11 a.m.
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My clear teeth aligners from Aligner Co. came in yesterday. They have been a great company to deal with. Especially since the entire treatment only cost $1300. The aligners look nice and they fit pretty good. The only problem I’m having is my gag reflex is so sensitive. After randomly gagging for the 10th or so time I decided to take them out. I put the top row back in and am leaving the bottom row out for now until I get used to it. I wasn’t expecting this to be so painful. I think it would be some-what tolerable if I wasn’t simultaneously dealing with this excruciating rib injury. I’m overwhelmed with pain right now.

I can’t lie though; after dealing with this rib injury for 5 days now, I’ve learned some techniques to help ease some of the pain. You just need to avoid any movement that will cause your rib cage to flex. Last night I slept with my arm around this big fluffy pillow. The circumference of it was just perfect to take any pressure off my ribs and I slept really good. At one point the pillow fell on the floor and I tried to substitute it with another pillow and that did not work. I really lucked out having the perfect size pillow.

My Dad Facetimed me this morning. I can’t tell if he’s drunk or just old anymore. He’s aged a lot over the past few years. He was asking me I got the pens he sent. They’ve been stuck at customs for a while now because he messed up on the paperwork. I’ve been e-mailing FedEx back and fourth trying to get everything good. I think I finally got everything straightened out. I should be getting the pens soon. I haven’t dealt much with FedEx before, but dealing with them for this pen situation and these teeth aligners, they have been very helpful.

Anyway, I’m going to take a handful of pain meds and handle some business hours stuff.

Shattered October 15, 2020

Feel better soon!

Chaz Shattered ⋅ October 16, 2020

Thx. I haven't seen you on here in a while.

TL October 15, 2020

Do you just gag randomly or just when you put the apparatus in? Clenching your left fist helps if it's the latter. Glad to hear that you're finding relief for your ribs... I can't resist saying apple-pen.

Chaz TL ⋅ October 16, 2020

It was a random gag. I doing better with it now.

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