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The future in EWSentinel's Easy Diary

  • Sept. 16, 2013, 11:25 a.m.
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  • Public

I wanted let you know that I 'started' the creation of my own diary site. It will be at so keep your eyes peeled for that. I can't comment on an approximated publishing date yet, as I just started writing it over the weekend, but I'll update you all when I'm ready to publish.

"EWSentinel's Easy Diary" will be similar to OD and have an OD-like feel to it, but different enough to not be considered a copy, for legal reasons.

Some info:

  • It will be made with newer programming technologies than OD.
    • OD is was written in Classic ASP, ED will be written in ASP.NET, which is Microsoft's current programming platform.

  • The WYSIWYG editor is the modern editor from (those are the controls that I'm current using for business customers), and works in all modern and legacy browsers.
  • Bookmarks will not be used. Instead "Favorites" will perform a dual function for keeping track of diarists that you like to read and who can read you.
  • The first publishing will be a "beta" release. What that means is that it will be a dynamic release and still in development, but it will be available to users to help flesh out bugs and issues.
  • The initial beta release will be a scaled down version of what ED will eventually become.
  • The initial beta release will be ad driven.
    • Possible future paid account options may be made available. I'm still on the fence on that one.

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