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Brit writers in Weather report

  • Oct. 2, 2020, 10:07 a.m.
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  • Public

This gave me great pleasure.

I do not expect ANYONE to waste the time to experience - Amis, McEwan and Rushdie but I wants to let people know that they exist and this video exists. We all like different things. We all have our own sense of discovery and recognition and it’s not transferable.

Still Auden said - We must all love another or die.

We are not in 1939. We do not have a world war before us.

I am sure of that.

  • note Rushdie’s white shoes.

Last updated October 02, 2020

gypsy spirit October 02, 2020


Florentine October 02, 2020

I used to read a ton of Rushdie when I was in college and my 20s. I feel like he’s lost his storytelling luster in much of his later works. An interesting person, though. That’s for sure.

woman in the moon Florentine ⋅ October 02, 2020

He is good in this video. He announced the other writer. I don't think I've read any of his writing - I'd never heard of him until the threats against his life. I've read more Ondaatji and really liked him. What's your favorite Rushdie if I have a choice? Warlight and Divisadero are both good. Divisadero helped me fall in love with France.

Florentine woman in the moon ⋅ October 03, 2020

Oh, for sure start with The Ground Beneath Her Feet! The Satanic Verses earned him the fatwa, but the prior is the better story, I think.

I will have to put Divisadero on my library list!

woman in the moon Florentine ⋅ October 03, 2020

If you are interested in France at all, try The Pleasing Hour by Lily King. Interesting it has about half as many words as her famous Margaret Mead story. Smaller print, smaller pages, larger margins - I know that sounds silly but I think I'm right. I think first novels take longer to write and have more in them. Slightly like first kids.

WhatDreamsMayCome October 03, 2020

Great video.

woman in the moon WhatDreamsMayCome ⋅ October 03, 2020

Thanks for watching. Worth the time, if you have the time.

NorthernSeeker October 03, 2020

You should be pleased at finding this gem and introducing the people in it.

woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ October 03, 2020

It was good, wasn't it? Such great writers, such great people.
The part about going back and changing what they had written earlier in life - maybe that was a different video - I've watched another one I liked. I might dig it up. Anyway I think it was Amis who said he'd have changed commas. That reminds me of Somerset Maugham, late in life, had to hire a new typist - who must have made slight changes. The old one put the commas where Maugham thought he wanted them and it was very hard to train the new one.

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