Maybe I took too long in A new start
- Oct. 6, 2020, 1:47 a.m.
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After a week and a half or two weeks of going back and forth about the Albany job I finally responded. I figured out a way in my head to be able to handle it. I would have more time with my kids if I worked the second shift. That would mean from 7 pm to 6:30-7 am. It would be hard to adjust to being up all night but I’d live. I was told 36 hrs one week 48 the next. I could do that. However I have not heard back from her. I’m sure I will as I said I couldn’t start until the 16th so she has time to respond. Kind of figured I would hear back really quick. Meh oh well. If I work yay, if not no biggie. We will get by.
I got a text from my mom the other day saying my cat wasn’t doing well and I needed to come spend some time with him. He hadn’t moved in a couple days and wasn’t eating. So I went over there and picked him up and carried him home. I got him to eat a few bites. He got up and moved around. He has since eaten quite a bit, I think he’s having a hard time swallowing. I think his teeth are bad. He is 13 years old and hasn’t had the easiest life. He has eaten a bit, he drinks water and has pottied. So he’s doing good, He’s been up and moving. I put him in the bathroom and started a hot shower to build up some steam. He has breathing issues, always has. So the steam should help. Hopefully he can last another couple years. He is my oldest child, I don’t want him to go.
I think my husband and I have reached a weird groove in our relationship. We have not faught in a while, which is good. But it still gets tense. Very tense. We don’t talk to each other much. I think we talk at each other more than anything. Which isn’t always good. I don’t think he hates me. We love each other in some form but do I think it is a relationship sustaining love? I don’t think so long term. And it could change. We have not had sex in probably 11 months. I’m not complaining. I don’t feel the need to. He really is a good friend. Has always been. Part of the reason I want to work is to put some money away so if we need to seperate I would be covered. I’d love to have my car and this house paid off before we split so I have to work.
I had a conversation with my oldest daughter’s ex step mom the other day in regards to her father. I said she misses him from time to time. The ex step mom then proceeded to give him her number so he can stay in contact with him. Knowing he wouldn’t try my daughter asked for his number. Well she contacted him and all he had to say was ask where she got his number. No real conversation. Then proceeded to get mad at the ex for givning his info out. I know he will regret it in the future, maybe not, but it’s not good for the poor girl. Hopefully he will change.
Well, I’m sure I have more but I can’t think about it. Life is life. I’m good. Online school sucks but whatever.
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