Authority Over Knowledge, Harrison Bergeron, Socialism, Unitivism, the Presidential Debate in Poetry
- Oct. 1, 2020, noon
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Authority Over Knowledge, Harrison Bergeron, Socialism, Unitivism, the Presidential Debate [Video]
The reliance on members of authority is an important source of knowledge building within societies; people tend to trust the authority of the chief or medicine men and women within tribal societies, of the religious elite within theocratic societies, and among the royalty in monarchies, whose authority often comes from claims of a “divine” right to rule. In their role as authority figures, these societal knowledge brokers become creators and controllers of what is seen as legitimate knowledge. Within modern-day societies, too, we defer to authority figures to tell us what is “true.” We often grant authority over knowledge building to those we believe are “experts” who can lay legitimate claim to a particular area of knowledge building as a result of their earned expertise.
Hesse-Biber, S. J., Creswell, J. W., & Saldana, J. (2019). CUSTOM: University of phoenix res 724 qualitative methods and design custom electronic edition. SAGE Publications.
Historians are in the business of creating—not discovering or interpreting—historical meaning.
Herr, K. & Anderson, G. L. (2005). Action research traditions and knowledge interests. In Herr, K., & Anderson, G. L. The action research dissertation: A guide for students and faculty (pp. 8-28). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781452226644
woman in the moon ⋅ October 01, 2020
I haven't been here in a long time. This one was a good one to come back to. You've made me curious about socialism. I will do a little research. I didn't realize it was intended to bring us all together by bringing down the superior people.
btw your room is quite nice. I like the shade of yellow on your walls.
Raphael Tiriel woman in the moon ⋅ October 03, 2020
Can you define equality from everyone's eyes?
Welcome back!
Another thing is that it continues to bring down what is classified superior. This is done by demonizing it. Whatever you hear and read as popular views think the opposite and that is normally more true than what you are told.
Those first two paragraphs come from a doctorate-level class. Authority is placed over knowledge in our society, we've fallen victim to believing what others have created or the new trend that they create.