COVIDiots vs Sheeple in Current Events

  • Sept. 4, 2020, 10:31 p.m.
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You know that crazy guy on the street corner who shouts about how the end is nigh? I feel like I am him. I feel like I am not being heard and it’s driving me crazy as I am trying to get people to understand. It’s deflating, Their minds are so blind. I’m not exactly in truther territory here. The veil behind mainstream media is not very thick. You can at least see that it is there. People are starting to wake up but I don’t think that they know what to do or what to think or what to say. Every protest against these lockdowns is smeared with headlines like Mass Conspiracy Theorists March Against Lockdowns. The same way that these riots are being called peaceful protests. It’s fake news. Labelling something a conspiracy is just the easiest way to get someone to not look for the truth. Calling something racist is the easiest way to get a leftist to accept an argument. We’re being sold out. This is what Trump means when he calls MSM Enemy of the People. Even though the truth is available and I show it they still can’t see it. It’s terrifying. It’s an actual derangement. They’re failing to see their own confirmation biases and that they are doing shitty sensemaking, worse even they completely indulge their cognitive dissonance. I know that because I was just like them just a few months ago. April to be exact.

The protest against these lockdowns and masks in my city is on Tuesday. We’re making children wear them to school? My niece starts kindergarten on Tuesday and has to wear a shield mask?! When kids under 10 are not a significant source of spread. I’m making my signs this weekend and I will join the march but I will attend by myself. If I can get my social anxiety-ridden ass to a reporter I will. When we lose our freedom permanently because of the sheeple I can at least live with myself because I tried. These lockdowns are just a free trial. Just a taste of what a big government can do. We reclaim our liberties now or we give them away. This is it, this is that moment we have all been waiting for right here. They will normalize and stabilize things again if they win out by getting rid of leftism. The sheeple will give up our liberties for “safety”, which is just doublespeak for control. The only way to reverse a big government after a crisis like this is through big military efforts. That is why I always say that the world is safest when America is strong and free. The Democrats cannot win this November. I can’t stress that enough. The free world needs Trump whether leftists want to see that or not.

My prime minister called for an emergency meeting with his cabinet today. Guaranteed he is going to call for re-election this fall in an attempt to win that majority government. He is going to use COVID as political rhetoric and try to make that happen. If he calls my country racist again and bows to the mob again I swear to god I will fucking lose it… but just internally for a moment and I’ll just campaign to have somebody replace his testicles. #CanadaNeedsATrump. The left has played all their cards. It’s all in. Definitely in Canada and the US anyway. They must have it rigged. I am going to campaign against Trudeau hard. Trudeau is the one who needs to be quarantined. The Libranos have to go.

I have the house to myself this weekend. Which is great, I looked within to see how I am feeling and to my surprise I am feeling a little depressed. Ok, not depressed. Lonely? Not even that. I have no words I’m just upset because I realized that I have no like-minded people in my life. I used to relate to people differently when I had that lens of a leftist. It was just months ago that I was a sheeple. I would have been on team BLM and ANTIFA right now but I no longer relate to people that look like me. I don’t relate to people that have the same identities as me anyway. I relate to people who think like me. Nobody in my life thinks like me. I mean, I do talk politics with the straight white men “in my life” but that’s on the DL. They can’t say what I’m saying because they were born with the new original sin. Where racism is genetic if you are born white. Everyone else is put off because I have the “wrong think”. I believe in a spectrum of mental disorders and not in a spectrum of gender. Things like that. Anyway, I think my move to Ontario will be just the ticket. Create a new life. Everything this year just feels like it was lined up for this. There are bigger things I want to do but I am keeping that to myself. I need to get away from people that think they know what’s best for me. Especially when they don’t even know me anymore.

What triggered me to pour a glass of wine and whine on PB was some content that one of my spirit guides posted today. It revealed a thought that I had been suppressing. That not everybody is going to wake up and reach enlightenment (unawareness to awareness). They’re going to be left behind. He says, and I believe him, that by December 21st the world will end, well the western world. Western culture, western society, individual freedom will be lost in the name of “safety” permanently. It will be lost to big governments and the final process of “destabilization” will commence. Liberals think that conservatives hate them but that’s not true! We respect that democracy needs them. They breakdown old systems that don’t work and then conservatives clean it up. The balance is broken, the left was highjacked by Marxists and subverts. They brought us to this crisis for us to beg for normalcy. To stabilize and big governments will promise us that and best believe they will deliver. They will deliver and then some. Big gov will get rid of everything liberal. Think of Russia and LGBT. Anyway, he tried to make that sound positive, this end of the western world and he implied that we can just leave the grid. This matrix. This reality tunnel. Just abandon these agreements we are born into. The things we all agree to believe. Borders, power, currency etc and create a different “world” with the “chosen ones.” Does that not sound cultish to you? It does to me, it’s a tiny bit esoteric but I still tune into various spirtual archetypes. Leaving the sheeple behind is what made me sad. The sheeple are the ones who will hand everything over to the big governments and ruin it for everyone else and I’ll just be mad once they do but… my empathy knows that they’re just confused and afraid as things are not stable right now and they don’t know where else to turn except media and blah. If only they understood how subversion works so they could see how we are all being played.

The other thing that made me feel not understood is my stance against these lockdowns. It is the elitists of essential workers who didn’t lose everything as I and others did that are upset with me not wanting these masks and lockdowns. What more are they going to expect me to sacrifice for their “health” and safety? The seasonal flu is deadlier than COVID officially. COVID is over! Only 6% of all COVID deaths in the US were directly from COVID. It was recently discovered that 90% of positive COVID cases should be negative! We are using COVID case counts to justify these lockdowns. Not deaths, not hospital capacities but COVID case counts and it is estimated that only 10% of them require isolation. The PCR tests use 5-10 extra amplification cycles and that makes it detect dead, inactive and clinically insignificant viral loads of coronavirus that would have otherwise been negative! Health and wellness should be the new norm. Don’t want to be vulnerable next time around? Bad nutrition is the #1 cause of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and a plethora of respiratory diseases and cancers which were the “pre-existing” conditions that made this virus so deadly to the other 94% of COVID related deaths. Death counts that were caught being inflated over and over and over. Blah, anyway. nobody reads me but I air out anyway.

Last updated September 04, 2020

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