Visitors in In the Kingdom of Suzu

  • Sept. 8, 2013, 6:19 a.m.
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If any of my favs wanted to follow me, i let them know that i was here under the same name. Can still read there, but much easier---for now----for me to leave comments for my favs here and possibly vice versa w/them.

For some reason, i was feeling stressed and down yesterday. I think it was because i've got a lot of things i want to accomplish in the next two weeks and have limited time. I've been eating way too much and while my clothes still fit, i need to put the brakes on with that. I've been walking most days w/my aunt, however, she left Saturday for a two week cruise. I'm going to go to the gym and do the treadmill because if i would walk by myself it's gotten too dark to walk by myself.

Received a card in the mail yesterday from the nursing home staff where Auntie was inviting me to a "remembrance service" in a few weeks. It is the day before we leave for vacation, so i am going to try and get that day off as well and see if my surviving aunt would like to come down and go to it as well. If she is able to come that would be really good because i've got some of Auntie's things (costume jewelry, family pix) that i need to give to her and it would save me a trip going to her house.

Good news on our vacation. The original plan was for the princesses to leave a day earlier w/me and Jeff but my daughter's ex said no as his wife was having their 3rd baby the week earlier and he wanted the princesses to meet the new baby. My daughter tried to work w/him but he wouldn't budge and therefore, my daughter and her family wouldn't be able to come until Monday (he has them on Sundays til 7 and wasn't even going to budge w/letting them come back earlier)---anyway, his wife had a planned C-section but they had to move the date up so he want's the girls a different weekend and it is all working out for the princesses to come w/us.

Well, guess that is it for now, hopefully this will post.

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