FOAD letter that will never be sent. in Every day scata

  • Dec. 30, 2014, 10:52 p.m.
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Dear “L” and “R”
You self-righteous chauvinistic pigs! How DARE you call P a spoiled little bitch!

P has put her entire life on hold to make sure that your mom is taken care of properly. She and I are on call 24 hours a day in case she needs something. We are the ones that are making sure that she gets three healthy meals a day. We are the ones to make sure that she gets proper medications, that she sees the doctor, that she gets her hair done (albeit that is sometimes hard to do), that her house is clean.

Would you like to scrape and soak her underwear every week? Would you like to be the one to clean her up when she has an accident? Do you two honestly think that you could do a better job than we have?

While we both do all of this for your mother we both work. P works a full time job, yet you condemn her for not being there for ONE dinner, because she had to work a 12 hour shift?

As for the bathroom floor being a mess. I hurt my back. Under P’s orders, I was not to do anything strenuous while cleaning that week to avoid a workman’s comp issue. I defer to P. She is my boss, she is the one who signs my checks. If you have issues with the job I am doing, you are to talk to her. You do not leave threats in the communication log.

To bring up your dead father is such a low blow. Where the hell were you two when it was time to put hay up? P helped him every year to make sure it was done. Hell, I even helped more than you two did. It was more important for you folks to be partying at the lake than to help your father.

P tries really hard not to nit-pick about things with you two. There are many things that need to be worked on around moms house, but she will not ask, nor beg you to do it. For two retired men, it sure seems like you don’t have enough time to do things to help.
In my honest opinion, I think you fine folks just want to stick her in the nursing home so you don’t have to be bothered to do the minimal things that you DO take care of around there.

I will not be bullied, and I will not let you bully P. So leave the condescending attitude at the door. It will not be tolerated any longer.

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