Mother nature said wait... watch this in A new start
- Sept. 10, 2020, 3:28 p.m.
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I live in Oregon. As many of you know, or maybe not, that we currently are burning. No we aren’t the only ones. If course not. The whole west coast is burning. I don’t know within how many miles we are out active fires but on Tuesday we were scared to death that we would be evacuated. We waited in pins and needles for any word. Five pm came and we felt pretty safe. We were not going to have to evacuate. The winds have shifted enough that the fires were not going towards us anymore but they were going a more deadly path, to the north. I don’t think there is a body count yet. Many structures are lost. My friend’s house we were going to buy is still standing and in good shape. She was able to get her horses all out also. It is scary. Mother nature is nothing to compete with. For just a few days we weren’t concerned about stupid useless masks or a stupid virus. We had a very real threat threatening lives. A quick and painful death. People pulled together to help others. Providing food/ shelter/ water for others and pets. We were once again human. Im sure in a couple weeks when things are recovering things will go back to how they were but for this week we are humans. Not political parties. Mother nature is tired of this crap.
Please pray that the west coast can get these fires under control.
Mr. Mofo ⋅ September 12, 2020
Whether or not they get more VooDoo doughnuts is the only thing an Oregonian should be worried about.
Sorry you have to deal with FIRE.