parenting blogs in --

  • Sept. 13, 2013, 2:52 p.m.
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  • Public

Is it weird that I hate parenting blogs? I just really cannot stand them. I mean, it would be fine if there were maybe a few of them. But everyone and their sister has one. I just avoid them like the plague, mostly. But so many moms on my facebook post tons of articles from random parenting blogs. It's so weird.

I just don't get why people make parenting a hobby. Sure, it takes up a lot of our lives, but I certainly don't want it to be the only thing I do. And I write enough about it as it is.

I dunno. It's cool if you have a parenting blog, but I'm not going to fucking read it.

Here's one thing I feel strongly about: people who are anti-vaccines. If you are, I really do not like you at all, and I feel that you are endangering your children and the people around you and you are the worst kind of scum. There is no good reason for it.

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