A tree and me... in Secrets from myself

  • Sept. 24, 2013, 9:12 p.m.
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 photo DSC07558.jpg

I took the tree picture on a dog walk a couple nights ago.

The picture of me is a cam shot from little Acer.

 photo Snapshot_20130917.jpg

I looked at myself suddenly in good light and close up tonight and discovered I now have those vertical double cords in my neck like really old people have. That was not a happy discovery.

It relates a bit to what my son just said about our dog Gracie. Gracie is a five year old - she has her birthday this time of year - I'm not sure of the date. She is half lab and half samoyed and she is a bundle of energy.

She wants and she wants out. A person can get tired of letting her in and out.

Tonight Jim said there will come a time when she will just lie quietly and not need to be in and out so much. And then there will come a time when she no longer exists.

I thought, yes, that applies to all of life. To the tree along the gravel road and to me too.

So I suppose having old person cords in my neck is part of the price we pay for sticking around this planet.

One day we will all be gone too.

Aren't you glad I cheered you up?

Deleted user September 24, 2013

Oh, I just realized who you are. And what "witm" means.

And yes, thanks a pantsload.

NorthernSeeker September 24, 2013

I've been noticing neck cords on people I know and no doubt they've been noticing them on me, too....unless the fat has covered them up some.

NorthernSeeker September 24, 2013

That is a really pretty photo. Shows the thinner air of this time of year, at the end of the day.

RoseS September 25, 2013

did you cut your hair or is it pulled back? Looks lovely either way. I read a long article yesterday about the selling of death in america... the article started with the proposition that the leading cause of death is birth. Though provoking. Reminded me that we all will pass that way.

woman in the moon RoseS ⋅ September 25, 2013

My hair is still pretty long. I cut it around my face, the rest is in a pony tail. Yes, we will all die.. pussy cats and begonias and us, too.

woman in the moon RoseS ⋅ September 25, 2013

I'm not sure the dying bothers me but I don't like getting old very well.

Sugar Magnolia September 25, 2013

I've always thought you are pretty and you have a kind smile. I like that in a person. And now I am going to enjoy my rambunctious, wild Lily while she is young and laugh when she acts silly. Thanks to you and Jim for the reminder.

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