Vacay in What's Happening

  • Aug. 6, 2020, 7:03 a.m.
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  • Public

I woke up this morning in my dark electric-less house to the sound of thunderstorms and rain.

It was warm last night so I set up an air mattress downstairs where it was much cooler and slept next to the opened door accompanied by the light from a really pleasant smelling candle. The candle was brand new and had two wicks. I didn’t have a lighter so I had to use my blowtorch to set a piece of paper on fire and then used the paper to light the wicks.

I had trouble falling asleep because I was so warm, but honestly it really wasn’t that bad. I was just being a wimp.

Stop being such a pussy”, I told myself as I was laying there, a bit clammy with sweat.

Hot weather is my number one nemesis.

Once I finally fell asleep I slept great and the temperature dropped some more. I was very comfortable.

I spent some time this morning laying in bed wondering how I could make the most out of my time off:

Let’s see… thunderstorms, no electricity and global pandemic. There has to be something good I can make of this.

No indoor activities, no outdoor activities, no relaxing at home. I realized that things would be much better if I was just at work.

Whether it’s bad luck or poor planning I just need accept that I picked the worst possible time to take off from work and there is nothing I can do.

Sconer suggested that I start drinking. It’s still too early to buy liquor, but that might not be a bad idea. The only thing is: I’m still a little depressed from yesterday and I don’t really like drinking when I’m depressed. Sometimes it makes me feel better, but more often it’s the opposite that happens.

Right now it’s pouring outside. It looks like a tropical rain forest. The weather app says it will be like this for a couple days. The white noise from the rain is very soothing and relaxing, but I’m just so bored.

Last updated August 06, 2020

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