Hater Debater in Current Events

  • July 1, 2020, 4:31 p.m.
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Finally! Someone has stepped up to challenge me on my ideals. Alan Watts once said that a person does not know what they truly think until they’ve had a debate. That is what got me to start listening to conservatives. It was cringe, it was painful and I realized that I was unable to make things make sense on my end as an SJW lefty.

I posted an image of Suggestive (inclusive) Sexual Health Language asking if that is what Trudeau is going to teach in schools as he is adding LGBT studies to the curriculum. Then I mentioned that the Conservative Party of Canada is promising a Parents Rights act to give parents the choice of what their kids can learn in school. According to the list, I am not male, I am a persons who produce sperm. My prostate is an internal gland. My penis is an outer part. Mothers are birthing persons. The whole thing is ridiculous because it is transphobic to say that only women can give birth. We can trace the tipping point of when the left went insane to the moment when Caitlyn Jenner won woman of the year. So an old friend reacted to it and I DMd her to see if she wanted to talk about it. She thought I was a Russian click bot named Vlad and not the real me because there is no way a First Nations gay man would ever talk against those groups’ interests. She was baiting me until I was able to prove who I was. Her boyfriend was the one who was triggered, he added me and started coming at me on various posts. He is 100% deranged. The fake noose incident at NASCAR is all he needs to see to believe that systemic racism is a huge problem in America and that these riots are justified. Even though I explained to him that 15 FBI agents investigated the noose and found picture and video evidence that the noose was a year old pull rope. Do facts tell him anything? No. They don’t. Our DMs are just him dragging names through the mud without any real arguments. Classic lefty. He really believes that this is all serving a higher purpose to bring more diversity. He should write a letter to the family of the three-year-old persons who produce sperm that was shot dead and the other children that were shot dead thanking them for the sacrifices they made for his noble cause. People need to be wearing bulletproof vests and not face masks in the cities where the police are being defunded because people are dying faster from gun violence than COVID. Anyway, he does agree that there isn’t space for people to discuss these differences of opinion. We are probably going to debate over the phone this evening. I finally get to debate a proper lefty. Maybe I’ll be the one to learn something? Literally, he assumes that I am a neo-nazi sympathizer, transphobe, homophobe, fascist and he doesn’t even know me. Who has the bias here? I am far more left than he thinks.

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