Muppets and dunces in blackpropaganda
- April 3, 2014, 5:36 a.m.
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If there is one thing which will turn many people off politics and politicians in the UK it is the way in which they fail to address some the fundamental issues affecting peoples' live but go for sound bites prepared by their PR people - or trade insults, especially in the weekly Prime Minister's Questions (PMQ) when Cameron gets increasingly irritated and red in the face. It happened yesterday when Ed Milliband called DC the Dunce of Downing Street for the cheap sell off of Royal Mail, and DC responded referring to the two Muppets sitting opposite him (Balls and Milliband). It sounds like fun - but actually with the braying of the back benchers going on behind them it is increasingly demeaning.
No wonder many people find something attractive in the performance of Nigel Farage in his two 'debates' with Nick Clegg over Europe. M and C are never going to put themselves up against NF - but NC needs the exposure as leader of the nearly defunct Lib Dems - and NF wants all the exposure he can get. So he claims to be outside the political establishment (which he is) and says he gives a voice to those nit represented by those in the establishment. He has the political space because of the failure of the main parties to address the issues clearly and with some honesty. Of course, NF is a parody of himself - but he may dictate the fortunes of DC and the Tory Party. Serves them right!!!
OK, maybe not too many people are interested in my views on that - but it will have a major bearing on the general election next year. Be warned!
As for the idea that kids should be fully trained to go to school at the age of 5 by attending nurseries and infant schools because poor people are bad parents and need help (not stated but implied) - well, 'twas ever thus in a society where the wealthy will always dominate the system.
And just a thought - great programme on the spy Kim Philby who ran the anti-Soviet British intelligence organisation in the 1940s and early 1950s while being a Soviet agent!!!!!!!! How did he get away with it - because he was 'one of us', the establishment thought he was a 'good bloke' - in fact he gave UK and US secrets away all the time. The British 'establishment' have a lot to answer for - but the answer is not Nigel.
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