I have diabetes in keeping it postive

  • March 28, 2014, 5:47 a.m.
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I am not great in keeping it under control. I try to weigh myself and take the fasting blood glucose level in the morning... sometimes I forget, sometimes I've had a midnight snack... I skip it once in a while.

The other morning, my weight was 199, and the blood sugar was about 170.

This morning... only a few days later, the weight is 191, and the blood sugar is 115.

It fluctuates! My current weight goal is UNDER 190... and to STAY there, not go above again. My blood glucose will follow nicely.

ThoughtsAfter March 28, 2014

Oh, my you have a bighairyguy reading here...LOL. Sorry BHG. I have a friend who has diabetes, and I so admire her resolve. Of course when she was in her twenties and diagnosed she'd told me she felt she was swinging from the chandeliers at times. Thought she was losing her mind, etc. Afterwards, she felt herself to be her old self again. I hope that's true for you.

Darcy0207 from OD ThoughtsAfter ⋅ March 29, 2014

I actually got to meet BHG two summers ago when he did his first world tour! I recently discovered, for me, that I can eat potatoes, but grains become a problem. And I so LOVE bread and other wheat and grain products...

Deleted user March 29, 2014

no idea why i've never had diabetes, because for most of my life i've had weight issues. my dad is diabetic, too. i do eat relatively healthy though as a veggie the past six years. i'd say it was age, except my dad got it in his 40s i believe.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ March 29, 2014

I've been a semi-vegetarian for most of my life - almost 50 years... I became diabetic about 15 years ago.

Deleted user March 29, 2014

hope you can get it to level off asap.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ March 29, 2014

thanks! Me, too...

Thomas April 01, 2014

Me too.

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