a project in keeping it postive

  • April 2, 2014, 6:24 p.m.
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My financial advisor called. He asked if I'd thought about long term care insurance... Well, I used to have it, but along with all my insurance, I let it lapse. I'm getting older - will be able to get Social Security soon... and Medicare also. Time to think about how to cover myself in case I get ill. Although I have diabetes, basically I am healthy, but I surely could be a LOT healthier.

I am an ostrich - keeping my head in the sand - I hate to think about the future. I know the expression: failure to plan is planning to fail. It's time.

I took out my insurance binder - papers from decades ago. Some could be discarded... I don't need to even think about disability insurance... even if I get sick/hurt it has nothing to do with ability to work... I retired from work years ago. I also discarded an old apartment insurance policy - I have a different policy from a different company.

But the paperwork!!! I found some that might be relevant. I think it's cruel that as people get older, they have more bureaucracy to figure out in terms of various insurance policies!

I phoned some companies which do business with my union... being in a group means discounts. I am so glad for the Internet as I looked many things up, and sent my advisor the websites. We meet on Monday. I think we'll have a lot to talk about.

Without insurance, you cannot afford to get hurt or sick, be in the hospital, home or nursing home... care comes at a GREAT cost. SO not looking forward to this!

ThoughtsAfter April 03, 2014

I so agree; we paid so much quarterly to our plan and K got the use of only abt. $500 in his brief illness. Thousands paid in since he retired. I wonder if I will even use the amount awaiting my eventual demise. ( I was told I'd never have to make a payment again, as the surviving owner of the policy.) But, good for you to be catching up on this cautionary need.

Deleted user April 04, 2014

paperwork has been the bane of my existence. the hubs healthcare policy was changed almost every year...and if it's overwhelming now, i'm not looking forward to the paperwork that awaits us down the road a little bit. ugh. hope it's not too complicated and good on ya for getting it done.

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