A Prayer To Erase the Curse of Pornography in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • April 1, 2014, 8:27 p.m.
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March 2, 2013 (An article by a good friend. I can't take credit for such wisdom.)

Prayer, as much as it changes things it changes the one who prays. One cannot “pray continually” (I Thes. 5:17) without eventually finding ways to act upon the object of his prayer. The Christian activist often opines, “you must do more than pray;” the fact of the matter is you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.

The two top categories of web sites found on the internet are religious web sites and pornographic web sites. Sociologists will discuss why that is so. For the Christian it is sufficient to say he must assault the gates of Hell at this point, in an attempt to destroy the dominance of adultery, both on the internet and in the world at large. Prayer is the starting point for this assault. Do you toss quick prayers for the Kingdom of God in your daily walk? Every time you see a road sign for, or a building that houses, a den of adultery cast a prayer of grace for those involved in that establishment and a prayer of curse upon the establishment itself.

Finally, consider adding a prayer similar to the following prayer, of grace and curse, to your prayer list:

Holy, gracious, just and loving father, give men a desire to protect women rather than exploit them through adultery.

Pour out your saving grace on those involved in the pornography industry both on the inside and without.

Give these men, and those already within the covenant community the power to turn from their sin and live in sexual purity. May they “Let (their) fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of (their) youth.” (Prov. 5:18)

By affecting a revival in the land destroy the pornography industry. As a testament to the fact that you are a just God curse both pornography establishments and those who refuse to recognize the evil inherent in this vile activity.

Reverse the trend to revere sex as a sacrament to the god of humanism, in the larger entertainment industry, in the educational system, in the halls of government. Lord God Almighty, reform men to your precepts, for the glory of your name and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


Link of the original article, www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.examiner.com%2Farticle%2Fa-prayer-to-erase-the-curse-of-pornography-from-our-land&h=BAQGphRdQ&enc=AZMhRAKhY

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