Never Seems To Fail... in Hello

  • March 27, 2014, 10 p.m.
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Seems like every time I get a new job within the first month I manage to get sick.

I just took my doctor's note in for today. I would have called in but I'm positive they wouldn't have been able to understand me and my crackled voice.

Tuesday I started feeling completely lethargic and ran a slight fever. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning I wrapped myself in a blanket and kept having cold chills all night. Wednesday I went to work and was very light headed, feverish, body aches. I made it to lunch break before I asked if I could go home. I had no energy left whatsoever and felt like falling over and just laying where I landed.

I was supposed to go to Melissa's that night to meet her friend Sean (whom she refers to as her brother) and for her to cook a big dinner for everyone. I called her that morning saying I couldn't due to ill health. Well, apparently Sean wasn't feeling too good either so she opted to order a pizza however she did come to see me with three cans of soup and a bottle of Nyquil. She felt my forehead and chest and admitted that I was burning up. Anyways, she made one can of soup for me and made me take some of the Nyquil so I could sleep. Now, by this point my throat was so sore that swallowing was EXTREMELY painful, and it was only twenty-four hours since the symptoms first started. She left and I slept the rest of the afternoon/evening.

I was up ALL night after that. I sent Mr. Clark a text saying that I wasn't going to be in class. Now by this point my throat was swelling, I could tell. My speech had become very limited. Around either eight or nine AM I managed to migrate from the bed to the couch so I could watch some TV and sit in the living room as it was a few degrees colder whereas my room felt like a sauna. Remember, you could have fried an egg off my head. Well, Melissa is the one who said my symptoms seemed to have come out of nowhere and have hit me like a ton of bricks and, "baby...maybe you need to see the doctor." Well, mom kind of agreed and tossed me the copay. Here's where it gets interesting.

Not strep throat.

Not the flu.

Upon looking at how swollen everything was...a bacterial infection and my throat was just about at the halfway point of swelling shut. SOOOO

Three antibiotic shots. One yesterday, one today, and one tomorrow. Yes, in the ass.

Plus a steroid shot. He would have given me antibiotic pills to take but was afraid that I would not have been able to swallow them. Then he gave me a prescription for liquid pain killers which helped me sleep last night, plus a doctors note with his advice to take the next few days off anyway.

Just seems the first quarter of this year has not been too kind to me. The pinched nerve, the hip pain trouble and just as SOON as that is over with BAM! You're throat sucks and you now speak like a old man. Work understood...I hope. The guys knew I wasn't feeling good. And when I went into the supervisors office today, hardly able to speak, I think they had a pretty good image of how I've been feeling.

Anyways...I hope I'm feeling better soon.

Last updated March 28, 2014

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