the prodigy - biography of William James Sidis in book reviews

  • March 9, 2014, 4:03 p.m.
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author: Amy Wallace

I'd never heard of this man, but could feel for what he went through. I think he would've been an interesting person to know. He was a math genius in his early years, learned languages in a DAY, went to Harvard at age 11!

There were many newspaper and magazine articles about him - with MUCH falsified information. Those articles made him want to hide himself away. In his later years (he died young, at age 46), he denied any intellectual superiority just to avoid being singled out.

Sad all around.

woman in the moon March 09, 2014

It would be dangerous to be that smart.

woman in the moon March 09, 2014

wiki has an interesting article on him.

Darcy0207 from OD woman in the moon ⋅ March 09, 2014

After reading a book which states often that most of the articles written about him were based on erroneous facts, I am almost afraid of reading something else.

He was scary smart - above and beyond Einstein.

I knew someone similar to him... and kept thinking about Frankie as I read this book.

woman in the moon March 09, 2014

I treat a lot of internet (and other) information as fallible. I think it could be true, maybe even is likely true, but not absolutely true. wiki is usually concise and usually basically true. IMHO. but certainly not absolutely true.

Deleted user March 10, 2014

i'll have to look him up, sounds very interesting.

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