Meeting Jesus Christ, A Love Story in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • March 28, 2014, 2:57 a.m.
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With a wide smile on his face Charlie asked me, “Did I ever tell you about my first girlfriend?” I returned the smile, wondering what prank he had in mind this afternoon. Next to him was standing a lovely, trim woman of about 60 years of age, nicely dressed, hair pulled up into a soft curly style. She looked at me with a grin turned smile, softly rolling her eyes the way a high school girl flirting with a boy would. Charlie had caught my attention, hook, line and sinker with that opening line. He was well known for his story telling.

As he pointed and winked at the lady he continued, “This is Faye, my first girlfriend. Did I ever tell you I asked her to marry me after our third date?” “Did you really?, I asked in return, rather surprised at the thought of proposing while barely knowing someone. “Yes, that's what I did. Our first date we played cards with her family when I was in town visiting. They introduced us because I had just come home from the war and didn't really know anyone here. I didn't think I made much of an impression on her because she didn't say a word to me all that evening.”

“It was summer when I came back a month later. We walked to the parlor in town and had ice cream. We had a nice visit that day and she invited me to call on her if I came back to town again.” Charlie leaned over the counter between us and quietly said, “I think she just wanted me to take her out for ice cream again!” By the sparkle in their eyes when they looked at one another I suspected even back then on their second date the happiness and good humor that was in part the glue of their love had begun to take hold. Their joy was infectious wherever they went and whoever they were with. Even after being together over thirty-five years they had that something special every couple dreams of having.

“Now let me tell you about when I asked Faye to marry me. It was two weeks since my last visit and I took her for ice cream again, because I thought maybe it would remind her she had kind of liked me just last month. We walked back to her parents place and sat on the swing talking, as dark approached I thought to myself I best ask her or I'd be back on the train short the money I'd paid out for the ice cream cones.”

“I turned to her, looked her square in the eye and said, “If I asked you a question would you answer it?” Faye replied, “Well, I suppose I would”. Charlie continued, “Well then I have a question I want to ask you. If I asked you to marry me, would you?” Faye thought for a moment and said, “Well, I suppose if you asked me to marry you, I would say yes”.

“I turned to Faye again and in as matter of fact a voice as I could muster I said, Faye will you marry me?” At that moment Faye looked at Charlie as if it were the first time she had heard him say those words, then she slipped a girlish grin my way. Charlie beamed a broad smile and said, “Oh Faye here said to me, 'Why yes, Charlie, I will marry you!” He reached around her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze, “The next weekend we were married right over there in that church”.

I was eighteen years old the first time Charlie told me the story of his first girlfriend. We have been friends for thirty-five years and I've heard that story every time Charlie and I met up at church or any other event. Any other person that would slow down within Charlie's grasp would also have the pleasure of hearing a good old fashion love story. He liked to tell people he had many girlfriends, but they were girls and they were friends. The only girl for him was his Faye.

Last year at the church Valentine's dinner they won a prize for a game much like the “Dating Game” from the 70's. A person would ask three couples a question about their partner, husband and wife took turns answering, the most correct total answers were the couple who knew each other best. Faye and Charlie won with more than ten points to spare. They won for the couple married the longest, too, fifty-six years, and going strong. When they collected their prizes Charlie asked the audience, “Did I ever tell you about my first girlfriend?” Everyone laughed and applauded.

Theirs was a love story hard to match, one of a large happy family, with a Godly husband and wife who showed others what it meant to live a Christian marriage. I once asked Charlie why he chose to get married after only dating Faye three times. He said there were two reasons. First, because she said yes when he asked. Second, because he already liked her and would have the rest of his life to get to know her. “You see, throughout life you will always be changing. Nothing stays the same except God, so the key to a marriage working is to always be willing to change and each day make the effort to better know the person you are married to.”

Tonight my heart is bent as I tell this story. Charlie's dear wife of fifty-seven years went home to be with her Lord, Jesus Christ this morning. I know for Faye this is a happy time, but I think of my friend Charlie and how life will go on for him without his girlfriend. Some stories are true love stories, this is one. It deserved to be shared.

Please, keep Charlie in your prayers tonight.

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