The Good Things In Life in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • March 27, 2014, 7:48 p.m.
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Up and off to the lab for blood work first thing today but ended up having to go to the hospital for the draw. One test had to be put on ice and shipped out immediately, fortunately both facilities are in the same complex of buildings. As is my orthopedic surgeon who I saw once the gallon of blood was drawn. No joke, I've never had such a large blood draw, 17 tubes. Had to fast for that, skip breakfast, lunch and put dinner off until 8 pm because I couldn't get back home any sooner. I felt ready to be wiped off the floor I was so weak.

Now the lab work is out of the way and hopefully off my mind until the doctor and I review the results. Met with the orthopedic, had four more x-rays taken of my foot and ankle. The ankle is healed, hallelujah! The foot continues to make progress ever so slowly. The MRI confirmed my physical complaints. The foot bones are still broken, the tendons to side and behind the ankle are damaged, there are bone spurs in my heel and arthritis is making itself at home. The MRI confirmed none of this will benefit from surgery at this point. Praise the Lord!!! So, onward with the braces and prosthesis, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and now Calcium for added measure.

We discussed that I had been out for my first real walk earlier this week and the results. Though he was discouraged that swelling comes so easily still he wants me to keep trying to increase my distance, of course using the brace and prosthesis. I was instructed to stop if the swelling or pain is more than slight, and should this not improve with time to call and come back in to be seen again. It's hard to believe ten months have passed and this bugger is still broken, but that goes to show the body is an amazing thing. I'm still up and mobile in spite of all that has happened.

I'm feel so blessed when I look back at all the Lord has done to ensure I have been cared for, my needs met and (albeit slowly) heal my leg so I can be strong enough to move on with the next episode in life. Another day, successfully lived. Life is good.

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