And then things change... in My this and that

  • March 28, 2014, 3:28 p.m.
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Today I am thankful for this new day. I woke up, and the morning was a disaster compared to what I wanted it to be. Needless to say, it made me anxious and I fear I was a bit grumpy with Ben. I apologized via text... so we'll see what he says. I feel bad, because it wasn't fair to him for me to be grumpy... he deserves my loving self...

Anyway, I sang this morning as I walked to work "Change my heart O God. Make it ever true. Change my heart O God, make me more like you" I really don't want to be so controlled by my emotions and the situations around me. I want to overcome that, and find my joy in Christ, so I can act accordingly... so I can show love to those around me instead of grumpiness.

On another note, I decided to do some calorie counting. Every once in a while I find it helpful, as I have trouble with portion control. What do you mean I don't need to eat that whole pizza?!

So which is better? My Fitness Pal, Calorie Count, or the Food and Exercise Tracker app that my phone came with? I DON"T KNOW! So I've set up all three (I've used them each in the past so I already had accounts on all of them) and I decided to keep track on all three for a day or two to see which I like the best. I'm so weird.

Thank you all for your support on my last entry. Here are some things I feel have been contributing: 1. This long winter. I know we are ALL dealing with the same thing... so maybe it shouldn't really be an excuse... but it is! 2. I was at "work" every single day last week. I mean, Saturday I was here throwing a party in one of the rooms, and Sunday I was just here for church service... but it is still hard on me to come to the same building I work in... 3. I haven't been getting quite enough sleep. I need a few more early nights during the week. Though the nights with Ben have been worth it.

This weekend Ben and I are going away on a retreat with the YFC volunteers of our region. I am VERY excited about it as I had so much fun last year, and I'm looking forward to a relaxing fun weekend away. Sometimes it's just nice to get away... that's why they call it a retreat I guess! I'm looking forward to spending fun time with Ben, and meeting new people, and eating some good food. Also I'm bringing two books... we'll see how much reading I actually get done though.

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