Edna? Edna who??? in shiny things

  • July 23, 2021, 7:09 p.m.
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I cannot believe I haven’t made an entry in a year and three months. Now I don’t even know where to start!! Amusingly I am sitting in my office for the first time in… a year and four months. So, related perhaps? It’s not exactly the first time I’ve been back to the office - I had to come in twice last week and this is my second day this week - but we all have to return full-time on Monday. Goodbye to remote working, which I looooooooved. Bizarrely I have nothing to do, which is really ironic since I basically never stopped working while doing it remotely. Suddenly I’m caught up. At least on things that really need to be done. I’ll take this opportunity of sadness over Remote Times being finished to write in my long neglected journal. And to catch up a bit. I’m embarrassed at how behind I am with everyone. Especially those of you who did NOT stop writing for a year and three months.

I am seriously in mourning at the end of working remotely. I always knew I’d like working from home, but didn’t expect it to be so extremely doable. I thought I’d have trouble focusing, and I’d be finding myself doing non-work-related stuff around the house on work time. That never happened, and I recall complaining at the beginning of The Pandemic about being a tad annoyed at how busy I was, while other people seemed to have lots of time to catch up on all their fun stuff. My issue was not taking enough breaks! I used to walk at lunch, in the Before Times, either around town/campus or on the Greenway, but we don’t have a very walkable neighborhood and driving to the Greenway and back from home takes half my lunch hour. So I’d go after work and end up not really taking a proper lunch break. Or I’d work through till four and take lunch then, so I’d be tired and cranky. But OMG I loved being at home! It was quiet, it was peaceful, the cats are great company, Baker B has a room he uses as a study downstairs so despite our house being tiny we had plenty of space. And I admit I loved the lack of interaction with other humans, being such an unsociable creature myself. Work-humans and college students, I mean. It was so.... peaceful. And I could get up SO much later, since all I had to do was feed the cats and throw on some leggings and a fleecy pullover before turning on my computer. I’m a massive night owl so that has been wonderful.

Now we’re back to noise and interruptions. Well, today we’re not, it’s so bizarrely quiet here that I’m wondering if the pandemic suddenly worsened and wiped everyone else out. There is noise outside - the university is doing some massive renovations and tearing down dorms across the street and building a huge new “living complex” where the old dorms were, so that’s kind of annoying, but I’ve only seen one other person in this building all day. That will change drastically on Monday, though, so I’m enjoying it.

We’ve had a tremendous amount of changes in the last year and four months within our college, starting with a new dean - the third one in, I think, five years, and they did not hire the woman who had been our interim for the past two years. Instead they hired someone from a college across the country, and although I’m sure she’ll be fine, we all really liked the interim and were hoping she’d be permanent. We also had a big office-suite renovation, which involved me, Mr. Organized and Miss Tattoo moving way off down the hall, into a little separate suite with five offices, two of which will contain a couple of new in-house advisors that we are getting. The advisors are also a really good thing and will help with our workloads a bit, but also they are new people to get used to and now we’re all kind of crammed in together down here. It’s a teeny zig-zaggy hallway and very little room, although my office is a tiny bit bigger than my old one, I think. My old one was microscopic but the outer wall was floor to ceiling windows, and I really miss them! I still have windows, just half the size. If that. On the plus side, we are away from the main office now so it’s less likely people will be constantly wandering in and interrupting us. The two advisors have the first two offices on the hall, so anyone who does wander in will run into them first.

It’s just weird to be going back to “normal” after Pandemic Times. And Pandemic Times are not over, cases are rising everywhere including here. We’re vaccinated so I’m not overly worried about getting sick myself, but I predict we’re in for a big resurgence, especially when the fall semester starts. The university can’t force people to get vaccinated, and I think everyone who is willing to already has. We’ll see what happens. At least we’ve gotten good at “pivoting”, as the higher-ups say.

And I think this entry is quite long enough after such a long absence! Fingers crossed this will get me going again, since I didn’t even scratch the surface of all that’s happened.

ermentrude July 23, 2021

I know a lot of people who loved home working. R hated because he had a constant back and forth of snippets of info between himself and his colleagues (there are about 6 of them in the office) whereas, at home he would have to stop what he was doing to send an email for what would have been a few words in a few seconds.

I hope being back at the universe goes smoothly for you xx

edna million ermentrude ⋅ July 24, 2021

That would be really annoying! There are three of us who do pretty much the same thing, and we just used google chat to keep up with one another during the day. Of course that often turned into mindless chitchat, but it also kept us feeling connected with each other. And much better than a bunch of emails. But admittedly it will be easier being able to just pop into each other’s offices.

noko July 24, 2021

It all must feel very Twilight Zone(ish). And the cats! Big change for them. It seems like things are the same but not the same. I suppose the office change will help a little in the oh, yeah, this is truly weird department. Lovely to see you back here.

edna million noko ⋅ July 24, 2021

It IS very much like being in another dimension after all this time! I’m really glad we got to ease into it, though. And the changes do add quite an element of interest, weird as it is.

Ragdolls July 24, 2021

Nice to see this from you. Welcome back!

wintergrey July 24, 2021

Hello! 🙂

IpsoFacto July 24, 2021

Well, you’ve certainly made up for lost time here in PV land. What is poor Philip going to do now that you’ve gone back to work? I know working at home has many advantages, but it also has downsides such as people who are Introvert-ish have little contact with others, thus reinforcing their alone-ness. Even though I am here all day every day with John, his worsening dementia means that some days we have a little interaction. I’m OK with that, we read and he listens to the same TV news over and over. I just block it out. We do have three four-legged savage beasts here to keep me amused.
All that being said, I was thrilled to see your name light up here today. I have course see you daily at the other place but that’s just a little bitty snippets. This is all you and it’s wonderful.

edna million IpsoFacto ⋅ July 26, 2021

Yeah, I think it is good to be forced into interactions again. My office mates and I are all introverts and at least are dreading it together! I'm so sorry about John's dementia. I know how difficult that is. My dad took care of my mom as her Altzheimer's got worse and towards the end they mostly just stayed at home. Their cats kept them amused. I remember her reading the same newspaper story over and over.

Marg July 25, 2021

My friend found the same thing with working at home - that she was tending to put in 10 hour days and not taking proper breaks - it’s weird - you’d think the opposite would happen! Great to see you back here once more - I’ve missed your entries - DO NOT GO MIA AGAIN - that’s an order lol! :)

edna million Marg ⋅ July 26, 2021

LOL!!! I REALLY miss writing and fully intend to NOT do that again!

Marg edna million ⋅ July 27, 2021

Good! :)

Justlovely July 28, 2021

I really have missed your work stories, you know.

edna million Justlovely ⋅ July 28, 2021

I've missed writing them!

Jinn July 29, 2021

So nice to find an entry from you ! I wondered where you had gone ;-) although I see you on FB now and then . My husband loves working from home too . He hopes they never go back.
You are right about the resurgence .

edna million Jinn ⋅ July 29, 2021

I would have been SO happy staying home till I retire....SIGH!

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