Good News in Everyday Ramblings
- Sept. 6, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
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We are having monsoon type rains with local flooding. It is so weird after the drought late last summer. This bush is blooming though a few blocks away. I have taken a number of pictures of it over the last five days and struggled to get one that looks as good here as it does to the eye.
My birdbath overflowed this morning and there are leaves in the patio well. No doubt about the change in season here in Portland. Nada.
On Tuesday I got the very best news about this whole two-month extravaganza with my back and the melanoma. All the biopsied margins are clear and I am cancer free! And though it hurt like all get out getting the looped stitches removed, it only lasted a few moments. The surgical nurse was wonderful and knew her stuff. She placed a number of rows of steri-strips over the site and I have been free of dressings since then.
I can shower and wash my hair normally and have complete range of motion in my back and shoulders and no discomfort except a stray reminder that there has been lots and lots of stuff happening back there. I was able to demonstrate everything in my yoga class yesterday. Everything.
No way am I taking how lucky I am for granted here. We caught it early and we got it all and it was truly a team effort. And now I can let it go and move on.
Of course just like Sammy biting me so hard the night after I officially reached my Weight Watchers goal weight no good deed goes unpunished around these parts and the most bizarre thing happened at work on Wednesday morning.
I had stopped by the office just to say hello on Tuesday after my week off and check in about the new manager that was hired in the allied department that is housed with us and, no one, no one would talk to me. I got an uncomfortable yeah out of one person when I asked if he had been introduced at our all staff meeting that I had missed. What the???
Next morning early early I get called up to management and they took me into a conference room to tell me that my former cohort during her exit interview told them that I felt that Mr. L (the supervisor that is housed with us that was the trigger for the incident that got that horrid letter put in my file) was harassing me and saying inappropriate things.
I blurted out, “I never said anything like that!” And burst into tears.
My managers were more impressed by that than anything I could have said.
It is like some terrible deadly game of telephone gone wrong.
Or the Twilight Zone.
I still haven’t a clue where that came from or why, but I do believe that some version of it made it to the rest of the folks in the office. Everybody adores Mr. L.
My director and my manager and I hammered away at it until they were sure I hadn’t in fact said anything like that and they told me that there is nothing, nothing I can do with everybody else to address this, that I just needed to carry on as if everything were all right, just dandy. When I came back from the restroom yesterday they were all talking about my former cohort quietly as if they owned her and knew her and supported her and were sad about her circumstances.
They all stopped talking when I came in but then they couldn’t help themselves and started up again. I didn’t say a word. Later they were still ignoring me unless I asked a direct question that was work related but they were starting to relax. It should be as okay as it is ever going to get in there in a few weeks.
Until the next completely insane thing happens.
I am not even going to try to figure this out.
Stella will be here another week. We are all enjoying ourselves as much as we can in the meantime. Sammy had a bad day yesterday but is much much better today.
They say the rain will be lifting this evening and that we’ll be having a clear lovely fresh day tomorrow.
My internal pony is looking forward to getting out and about in that.
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