You ain't seen nothing yet in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • April 7, 2014, 12:02 p.m.
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Sorry about the lack of entries this past week. Was kinda busy trying to survive life and all that fun stuff. I'll try to catch you up in as short a fashion as possible. Shush! I said I would try! lol

Monday - Omar (from the new hotel I am trying to get hired on at) called to tell me that Kent wanted to talk to me about my background check paperwork. So I called Kent. Apparently my dingbat ass checked YES for having been arrested, detained, etc. but I failed to provide details. "Uhm, but I've never been arrested, detained, etc. in my life" I tell him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that ... wouldn't I?" "Yes, you would remember something like that" he says in the male version of a giggle. Anyway, he said he would change that YES to a NO and start my background check when we hung up.

Tuesday - I get off work at 7am. Hubby & I take The Child to school. I go with him to his VA appointment, which is actually scheduled for April 22, not April 1. Grrrr. Then we go pay our vehicle taxes and get new Veteran plates. Then we decide to treat ourselves to breakfast at IHOP. As I am boxing up my leftovers, a hair is discovered on the plate, under the remaining portion of my omelette. GAG! Needless to say, I got a fresh whole one to take home.

I finally get to bed at noon. Back up at 4 which Hubby then decides he'll go pick The Child up from softball practice. Okay, so why did I get up? I fix dinner, we eat, and 10 minutes before we leave to take her to Girl Scouts my cell phone rings. Why is Brock calling me and asking me to please come in and work at the sister hotel that night? You have 4 people to work night audit. Why do you need me? Anyway, I decline due to lack of sleep and no hope of getting any decent amount that would be required to make it through the night. Yes, I felt guilty as hell. But I got over it.

Wednesday - I got caught up on housework in between taking her to school and picking her up at 3. She's been moody lately and I figured some good ole one-on-one-Mommy-daughter time was needed. It made a difference in her attitude.

Thursday - More housework was done. She had softball practice till 4:30 and then karate at 6:30. Girlfriend slept like the dead that night.

I received a Temporary Work Permit in the mail from the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission, granting me permission to work for a certified Kansas Gaming facility for up to 90 days while my background investigation is further reviewed. I called Omar to ask what this meant but he has yet to return my phone call.

Friday - I work 7am - 3pm. Why does Shelia want to immediately jump my ass, before I can even clock in, with, "Did you request every other Saturday off for a specific reason?" Seriously, Bitch? I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Nope." "Oh. I was just wondering why you have every other Saturday off" was her reply. So I told her if she had a problem with it to take it up with Bill, because it was his doings. Then she went on to say how it would have sucked if she had had to tell her daughter she couldn't have her birthday party on the 12th. "You are off that night because I am working" I say to her. She replies with, "Oh I know. I'm just saying, it would have sucked if I had been scheduled to work it." I looked over at her, raised up an eyebrow and said, "Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. I was sweating the same thing for my daughter's birthday for 2 weeks before you agreed to work for me. At least you didn't have to give up a holiday to get your daughter's birthday party off." She had no reply for that. Effin Bitch. Then she started in on how her husband was going to have to do all the remodeling without her on the weekends now since she has to work weekends now. Bitch, please. First, you are working every other Fri/Sat, not every one. Second, Boofuckinhoo. Get over it. Third, welcome to the real world, Little Girl. If you wanna hang with the Big Girls, then get over yourself.

I was hoping Tami would take a day off but nope. Joleen however, stayed away from the desk and Tami took advantage of me being on the desk to do things around the hotel that had been needing done. I spent most of the day watching Bill build stuff that is required before we can change over to the name brand chain.

Why is Brock calling me at this hotel, asking for the days I am working, then asking me if I can work Amtrak that night for him? Seriously? I declined, again, because The Child was having a friend come home with her from school for a sleep over and there is no way I would be, nor would Hubby allow, comfortable leaving a strange 12 year old girl alone in our house. Her mother expects me to be there so I will be there. I would expect no less from whoever The Child was spending the night with. So we will see if Brock calls me again this week.

Saturday - The Child's friend is picked up and we head a hour up the road. I got a Starbucks! We did a little bit of shopping. Hubby treated us to lunch at Sam's Club for the free all you can eat taste testing lol. We came home a grilled out and played Corn Hole and then lit the fire pit and made S'mores. All in all it was a perfect day for us. Especially since it was my first Sat. off since Feb 1 (minus March 8 when we went out of town for her karate tournament).

Sunday - The Child gave me a run for my money all damn day. How she is not walking around with duct tape around her face, I'll never know. Her allergies are in full force and she is no fun to be around. All I kept hearing was, "I'm sick!" I finally had to tell her that if she opened her mouth one more time I was going to either A) backhand the living hell out of her or B) make her write sentences everyday for the next 2 weeks in between school and sports. That finally got through to her. Gotta love hormonal Tweens. At least Hubby is backing me up and not letting her get away with her mouthy attitude.

Okay, so I think that is everything all caught up. No, I have not heard from the other hotel if I got the job or not. It's killing me, not knowing. Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be 2 weeks ago I had the initial interview. Guess I should just resign myself that I am stuck here. But only till the end of June. Come hell or high water, my ass will be gone from this hotel at the end of June.

Till next time ...

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