Stage 3 restrictions! in Stuff

  • June 30, 2020, 2:07 a.m.
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  • Public

Just documenting this for future reference.

My state goes to stage 3 restrictions as of midday on Friday July 3rd, so even though it already feels fairly normal again here now, that will definitely be more noticeable. Basically it means…
- Indoor gatherings homes/venues can go from 20 to 100 people
- Weddings and receptions 100 people
- Casino’s, nightclubs, saunas, bathhouses and food courts to reopen
- Competition/Physical sports can be played
- CoVid-safe-plan for large venues in place of 1 person per 4 sq/m - smaller venues 1 person per 2 sq/m
- Stadiums can hold 25,000 people or 50% of capacity, whichever is lesser

Our border to Victoria remains closed and has actually strengthened! Any person (Queensland resident or non-Queensland resident) who has been in ANY local government place within the state of Victoria within the last 14 days should not come to Queensland, and if they do they will have to go into mandatory quarantine in a hotel at their own expense for 14 days. Anyone who refuses testing in quarantine must quarantine for a further 10 days. That means 24 days of accommodation expenses from one’s own pocket!
Queensland residents have been ordered not to travel to Victoria.

From July 10th however, our border reopens to all other states, but everyone must complete and sign a border declaration. A $4000 fine applies for false information.

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Nightclubs are seated only! lol.

Last updated June 30, 2020

TL July 01, 2020

Woot woot!

s.q.u.e.a.k July 01, 2020

The night club rule 😂

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