Me Monster in Current Events
- March 21, 2020, 1:09 a.m.
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I felt like owning that I am selfish and I called in sick to work. I did not sleep well and I woke up with the I don’t wannas and I was all out of suck it ups so I took fuckitol and I called Becky with the good hair and told a little white lie about feeling sick… yeah, English and sense and logic gets wrecked in my entries. I felt dirty about it for a minute because it is not in my character to do that! Around this time last year, I broke out into shingles because my employers were clearly trying to create a paper trail to fire me. That’s the only time I ever called in sick. So now here I am needing to get right with Jesus. Luckily I was home because my sister had a moment where she started to go blind in one eye. It was hysteria for us for a moment. It went away. She’s under a lot of stress and is overwhelming herself with the current state of affairs… my province just declared a state of emergency. This is escalating so quickly and all I can control is myself. I can’t self isolate because I need my job. Blah, yeah. That was my day. I did fuck all and just played Skyrim.
Oh! This song! This fucking song… I’ve never heard more than a few seconds of it but it makes me feel some type of way. It makes me want to have a new crush. It makes me feel young. Also, I’m sad because I watched a video of a four-year-old girl calling herself ugly. Luckily there were people there to tell her how wrong she is :(
Last updated March 21, 2020
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