What's Going On? in 2020
- March 4, 2020, 11:07 a.m.
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I’m so sleepy. For days I have felt as if I want to climb into bed, even though I get more than an average amount of sleep, and feel rested when I wake up. Ever since about eleven this morning, despite coffee, all I could think of was taking a nap. So odd.
One things I know that IS going on: tomorrow my friend’s crew from her nursery is arriving with plants to freshen up my garden, including a climbing plant and trellis to set on the fence in front of my kitchen window. How that view will brighten my days!
Speaking of that window: I’‘ve been watching the round yellow fruit, a sort of berry, being ravaged from the next door neighbors’ tree, by herds of big black birds flying in and out as if at war. It’s almost a horror show…savage. Ripping the fruit, tearing at it, flying off to eat it as other birds that wait their turn in trees nearby swish in to do the same. The tree top is old, directly at and above my side kitchen window. (Sorry but my “word-forgetfulness” is in control as I write this and I forget both the name of the tree and then name of the birds.)
This attack to that tree has happened each year since I moved here and I’m sure many before. The owners don’t get to watch this…they live quite a bit below the crown of the treetop that extends over their roof. I tried several times to make a video of the scene from my window and from my front yard, but none caught the energy of those birds.
Told my house cleaners today that I may ask them to not come in the future until the virus we are watching is routed out. I am physically able to clean the house and they are exposed in the homes of ten families, plus have children at home themselves who attend school and have huge exposure. I have a very, very limited must-do exposure range, and not very strong lungs and am aged. I can most easily control my exposure to must do sorts of things.
They have a wait list, so said they wouldn’t need me to make ends meet financially, and indicated I’d be first in line for another opening when I returned, if I felt that was what I wanted to do. I was very concerned about their income should I feel I’d need to take a break so that was a relief.
Otherwise it’s sunshine, warm, and happy days here in Mayberry.
Last updated March 04, 2020
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