Deteriorate in Stuff
- Feb. 23, 2020, 12:28 p.m.
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I got through my 2-day work-week (Saturday and Sunday). I dunno how I did it guys. Life is so tough 😝
I’m now on another week off for Mardi Gras. I’m nowhere near as exciting as I used to be. Back in the day I would have a ticket for the Underwhere? Party, a ticket for Toybox, a ticket to the Mardi Gras After Party (where I’ve seen Kylie, Dannii, RuPaul, George Michael, Nick Jonas, The Veronicas, Steve Grand, Nick Jonas and Cher - to name a few) and a ticket to the closing party (where I saw Sophie Ellis-Bexter).
This year, Sam Smith, Kesha and Dua Lipa are performing at the After Party, but I’m not even going. It’s sold out, naturally, but tickets these days are over $200 and then drinks are at least $12 each on top of that, plus food trucks. They really gouge the pink dollar and the gays disposable income. And back in the day it was exciting when they kept who the main act was a secret until they walked out on stage. They stopped doing that a while ago. I didn’t even attempt to get a ticket. Even the Underwhere? Party, where I’ve been a staple patron for the past decade (and got kicked out of last year for hooking up with a guy in the bathrooms), I didn’t even buy a ticket to. My main reason for even going to that party was because there’s usually a high chance of running into Luke there (who we all know I’m obsessed with for some reason) but after last year, I got a vibe there was zero interest in me, so I need to stop being a pathetic puppy dog toward him whenever I see him dancing shirtless in that club 💦
Ergh, why is he so pretty? Haha.
So I’m in an interesting position this year. I’m still going and have a hotel booked for Thursday through to Tuesday I think, but no tickets tying me into going anywhere. I can be more spontaneous than usual. I’m thinking of going to Palms, which is like an 80’s set gay club that has never changed since it’s hay-day. That could even be fun.
Eddie wants me to show him the parade, so I’ll do that, even though I’ve been over watching 200 floats and dykes on bikes go past for years now. I guess the atmosphere is cool.
I do actually have one event booked, and it’s also an underwear party, but I’m a bit iffy about it. It’s on parade night and I feel like it might be at a sex club 😂 I’ll have to double-check the address. But I’ll see how I feel.
My inner left knee is still giving me issues. I spent a fair while trying to rub it better yesterday, but I think that just made it worse. Walking is quite uncomfortable most of the time, and I’ve been hobbling up and down the stairs at work. I think I might have to bite the bullet and see a physio. I’ve never seen one before.
But I was telling my sister about my discomfort in Canberra and she noticed I wasn’t walking properly because of it. I can’t recall injuring it, which is annoying too. My sister reckons it’s in the family because both our mother and her say they had the same thing and have seen physios who have had no idea what the problem is. I hate paying over $100-$150 to see a specialist just to be told, “Oh just rest it.” 🙄 …which is what I’m sure will happen if I get it checked. I mean, I knew I had a hernia last year but still spent $90 to have it confirmed. Thankfully that hasn’t caused me any further issues so far.
I guess that’s just the fun of adulting and getting older hey? Paying people hard-earned moolah each time the body decides to deteriorate further?
I was meant to go to a 90’s disco last night. Paid money and everything, and didn’t go 😅 I think it was like $20 or something. Back when I bought the ticket, I didn’t have a sore inner knee, and that was good enough to talk myself out of going. I’ll go to MIKA though tomorrow. Pretty sure I just have to sit there and Bob my head.
Fun times. Few days off before I head off again.
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