Early Days in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

  • Jan. 13, 2020, 2:47 p.m.
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Last night, I tried my best to get to bed early because I wanted to wake up early. But it was difficult. However, I did absolutely get up early… but earlier than expected. Nala was whining to be let out at 4 a.m. I woke up, took her to the door, opened it… it had snowed significantly in the night. Nala no longer wanted to go outside due to the abundance of snow. As having been woken up; I wasn’t going to go straight back to bed until she gave it a try so I left the door open for her and sat down next to the open door. She slowly decided that it would be okay to go outside. Went potty, came back in. Came back in super excited because “holy crap the snow makes things smell different! So… I wasn’t going to be able to get much more sleep as I wanted to be awake at 5:30. So sod it. Ate breakfast, wanked, showered, shaved, dressed… all told, I was finished with my morning routine by 6 a.m. So I just went in to work! 100% cleaned the strange shelving/drawer furniture in my office. It was filled with random junk that my predecessor left (like old candies and a dead cell phone and all sorts of things.) Not… entirely sure what to do with it all. Then, I caught up on prosebox (didn’t note… for the most part, people seem to be doing okay today!). Then I prepared for my big Juvenile Court Day. Fingers crossed that goes smoothly. After work? Grocery shopping, maybe some cooking, some video game time… nothing terribly exciting.

I do have to say that I will be happy when my office is properly cleaned up again. Not only will it make me feel better emotionally, it will make me feel more professional… which will help me all over. Especially as I do intend to get better at my job. I’ve been a “lucky but not good” attorney too much. I want to be the kind of attorney that can confidently stand by my body of work. Organization and intentional physical space will help with that.

As to… anything… or everything else in my life? Well, one day at a time, right? Meeting with my lawyer on the 21st about the separation. Going to my friend’s house this weekend. Having friends over on Thursday. So… things aren’t exactly terrible. Life just… moving forward.

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