Reservoir in Every day scata

  • March 16, 2014, 5:29 p.m.
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  • Public

Mother nature has more mood swings than I do lately. Yesterday I was in my short sleeved shirt, enjoying the sun. Today, it is snowing. It's playing havoc on my fibro.

Finally got my hair cut. I won't show a picture, I hate my face. maybe I'll take a picture of myself with the camera up to my face... you'll be able to see the hair, a little at least.

Or maybe Iol, I'll put on makeup and look decent for a change.

I don't see the point of makeup most of the time. No one sees me.

Had a nice bit of time with P yesterday and today. We had a nice leisurely drive yesterday from home, to Warrenton, to Washington, and then back home. The weather was perfect for this.

Today we watched Catching Fire and ate crackers with sharp cheddar and brie, some sliced apples. Again, the weather was perfect for this. Now, she is napping while I sip my coffee, heat pack on my back.

Not sure what the hell is going on with my back. I'm assuming I have a kidney infection seeing that the strip I ran showed 3+ leukocytes. I'm going to have to switch my coffee for lemon water after this cup. Yuck.

I really hate to go to the drs again so soon. I know they think badly of me, going all the time... I'm afraid they'll "fire" me sooner or later. And living here, my choices of doctors is very limited. So I will try flushing my kidneys with as much water as I can handle without causing water toxicity and see how I feel tomorrow.

And I'm off... to drink water.


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