Much Needed Updates (February 21 - March 15) in In My World

  • March 15, 2014, 10:47 p.m.
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Sooo, I've been putting off this entry for about two weeks now because I really didn't want to have to type so much in to one entry. Oh well...I'll get better about posting from this point on. (At least, that's what I'm telling myself.) Picking up where I left off in "Movie Days and Back to School Again" Here we go..

Thursday, February 20

I ended up not being able to get back to sleep after that so I just stayed up and went to class. I honestly don't remember what we went over in class, it might have been the day that the persuasive essay was supposed to be due. I ended up writing it that morning and printing it out right before I left. We went over commas that day, if I remember correctly. We had a comma quiz. I ended up getting 1 wrong but it didn't count because it was supposed to be a semi-colon. After class I sat in the student lounge for while and waited for Skye to get out of class. (I get out at 12:15 and he gets out at 3.) I talked to Krista, Drew, and Emily while I waited. It was fun. I was working on gimp lanyards and we played a round of cards against humanity. Krista and I talked at length about tattoos and I figured out what I want my third one to look like. (I don't have any, yet, only two other ideas. I'm going to get my first one done in a couple of weeks) Skye got out of class and after about 15 minutes we left to go to my house. By this point my cousins had already been there for a couple hours. I was really excited and talking about how I missed them and everything the whole way back home. After we got to my house, my mom was playing Super Mario U with my brother so I got to be platform guy. My aunt, Chris (21), Ian(14), Jojo(6), and Thomas(9) were all out getting their hair cut. They brought pizza with them when they came back. Vinny's. It was delicious. My other cousins (who live directly behind me), Tim and Jill brought ice cream up with them so I was sitting on the couch with Skye and we were passing a pint of Caramel Chunk Ben and Jerry's back and forth. Ian, Jonny (My brother), Thomas, Skye, and me all played two games of apples to apples and then Skye had to leave. The two of us ended up sitting outside on my porch for about an hour just talking. By the time I got inside everyone was already asleep (It was, like, 10:00) so I went downstairs and slept in my moms room. (My mom's room is the basement. Also, Usually I sleep on the living room couch but since my cousins were here they got to sleep there.)

Friday, February 21

I got up and came upstairs. We pretty much did nothing all day. I'm pretty sure nothing really memorable happened. I hung out with my family. The only really notable thing that happened was that before I went to bed I was sitting on the couch with my red panda from build-a-bear sitting on my lap, (I sleep with it. Also Skye gave it to me for Christmas) and Jojo woke up, leaned over, and started petting him in her sleep. I guess she had fully woken up and thought that he was one of the dogs, or something, I don't know. Either way I though that it was really cute. We all ended up being awake until, like, 1 something in the morning.

Saturday, February 22

Nothing really notable happened on Saturday, either. We all chilled. Chris ended up grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner. Tim and Jill came up to eat with us. We played a round of the logo quiz game. Chris went to go get everyone shamrock shakes at around 10 that night. They were delicious. I can't remember a whole lot of detail at this point. (I should have written this that night or the night after...) My sister ended up getting angry with me and left the game. She always seems to be mad at me. Chris won. After everyone fell asleep I was still sitting on the couch doing internet stuff. I think I was on pinterest. It was about 1 in the morning and JoAnna coughed herself awake for the (probably) 30th time and climbed up on the couch beside me. She kept slowly coming closer to me so I put my laptop on the floor. She ended up curling up in my lap and falling asleep. Guess what? No coughing! She lid on me for about an hour before I had to move so that I could go to bed. She ended up coughing herself awake a couple more times after that and apparently sometime after I went to sleep she fell off the couch and started whining.

Sunday, February 23

We all got up early, around 11ish, (Leave me alone, That's early for me) because they were all leaving around 1. We ended up taking some group pictures for my cousin, Ashley. (Jojo and Thomas's mother). Jojo was throwing a hissy-fit over something. After she's done being all loud and irritating she does this thing where she throws her arms up over her eyes and stands/sits perfectly still. We call it her being a zombie. She does it when she's mad about something or doesn't want to do what she's told. They left and the rest of us pretty much all took a nap. My mom had a fever and a cough. She was starting to get sick. I don't remember what else happened on Sunday.

Monday, February 24

I got up around 11:30, showered, and got ready for school. I met Daryan at Walmart like I always do. She was upset because someone she was close to had died earlier that morning. Her mom told her she couldn't skip Biology so she went. We sat around school for a while and then went to class. She ended up leaving right after class and skipped lab. I skipped lab also. By this point I had had a pretty bad cough. I went to Karaoke with Skye and Nicco. I met Kayla there and rode with her back to my house. I ended up playing Sudoku through out most of karaoke because I started getting a fever and my cough got worse, I really didn't feel good. I should also mention that A) Karaoke is something Applebees does on Monday nights from 8-12, and B) I don't sing when I go, but I'm friends with a lot of the people that go every week. So, I got home around 1ish, I believe, and immediately took my temperature. 99.8. I took some NyQuil and went to sleep.

Tuesday, February 25,

I woke up for school and took my temperature, by this point it was 101.0 so I decided to email my teachers and tell them that I wasn't coming to class. I went back to sleep. I didn't do much besides sleep. My brother was sick, too, but he went to school. My mom was still sick, too. I had a bad cough, a runny/stuffy nose and a fever, plus a 2 day headache that I couldn't shake. The three of us played some Mario. I watched Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, Twisted and a couple other things with my mom and talked to Skye for a little while. Twisted is one of the shows my mom and I watch every week. I took my temperature before going to bed and it went all the way up to 102.0. I took NyQuil and went to sleep. I had a lucid dream and was actually able to control everything in it for the first time. I didn't do anything fun...All I did was run up and hug someone. (I had had a few nightmares before that and just wanted some comfort...)

Wednesday, February 26

I woke up for class with a fever of 102.0 still so I emailed my teacher and explained that I was sick and couldn't come in. She said that it was fine as long as I studied up for the midterm which was in 2 weeks. I slept a lot. watched a few shows and Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds is another show we watch every week. 7-10 is pretty much TV time for us. I was up until about 2 because I couldn't sleep because of the fever. It finally broke and went down to 99.2 around 1:30.

Thursday, February 27

I got up with a fever of 99.something but ended up going to class anyway because I can't miss any more for that class. (English) I had my head down almost the entire time and was coughing a whole lot. I can't remember what we did but after class I asked my teacher if I could turn in the paper (That was technically due the 4th but revisions were due this day) via email over spring break. She said that I should take a few days to get better and then send it to her. I went up to the main building and talked with Drew, Krista, Jess (that's a story for another day), Skye (before/after his class), and a few other miscellaneous people. (Mind you, I got out at 12:15) I asked Ryan around 3 if I could leave with him at 5:15. He told me that I could. He ended up leaving without texting me or telling me or anything. Hours later I get a text that just says sorry. I was really angry at him. I'm never going to ask to ride with him again, that's for sure. Around 5:30 everyone who I was talking to ended up having to go to class or to work or wherever besides Skye. He ended up leaving around 6. I was really angry and just upset and still feeling really shitty by this point so I didn't really want to be around anyone. It didn't matter anyway because everyone who wasn't in class was gone already. Jason and Ben got out around 7 so I left with them. I got home and watched some TV with my mom. I can't remember what comes on on Thursdays but I know there's something. I got up and took some NyQuil and then went to sleep.

Friday, February 28

I don't really remember but I'm pretty sure nothing of importance happened. First day of Spring break, woo!

Saturday, March 1

I slept through out most of the day and then Momo and Ben came to pick me up around 8 to go to Ihop. We picked up Ben's girlfriend, Mo, On the way. We ate, dropped Mo off at home, and then went to Walmart. They dropped me off next. I felt pretty sick still at this point. At least I didn't have a fever anymore.

Sunday, March 2 - Monday, March 3

Nothing important happened. Castle Monday. I think I slept mostly. One of the days I woke up hating the world so I just slept until dinner time. I can't really remember if anything else happened. I had a low fever and was still sick.

Tuesday, March 4

I don't think anything important happened this day either but I started playing Pokemon X that afternoon and didn't stop until late the next day. Except for sleep. I watched Twisted with my mom. My sister was up all night, too, playing Saints Row. We ended up both getting on tumblr around 3AM and laughing about the Wheat Toboggan. (It's complicated)

Wednesday, March 5

I played Pokemon and talked to Skye all day. Criminal Minds. I think that's pretty much it, again nothing important. Skye and I talked about him coming over on Thursday.

Thursday, March 6

I woke up to Skye calling me to tell me he was on his way. (He lives an hour and a half away.) My mom had brought my grandmother to a doctors appointment and my brother was at school. I was home alone with my sister. I got up about 30 minutes later. I went and showered and everything. Once I was done, Skye showed up about 10 minutes later. It only took him an hour to get here. We ended up talking a little bit and watching Fox and the Hound. We then watched Emperor's New Groove. My mom and grandmother got back in the middle of it. We watched Kronk's New Groove. When that was over my mom came in here with my brother and we played a little bit of Mario until dinner. Mom, Skye, and I came back into the living room and watched some TV. I started to fall asleep a little bit but kept making this little hum sound and waking myself back up. Skye ended up leaving around 9:30. We didn't really talk a whole whole lot while he was here, mostly we just cuddled. It was nice.

Friday, March 7 - Sunday, March 9

Again, Nothing really happened besides a lot of sleep. I was finally feeling better and all that. We had a couple really warm days but I didn't go outside much. Played a little Pokemon, we beat Mario, Watched TV, interneted, that's about it. I didn't leave the house and no one came here.

Monday, March 10

My mom, sister, grandmother and I went shopping in town and then they dropped me off at school. I hung out with Cy and other Ben for a little while. I had the hiccups and Jerry was talking to me. I was saying how I needed someone to scare me so that I wouldn't have the hiccups anymore. He swung his bag towards me intending to scare me but ended up accidentally hitting me on the right side of my face. One side of the plastic that holds the screw of my glasses together broke. He apologized about 20 times and then walked away. Shortly after I was talking to my friend Nathan and while we were talking about it the arm of my glasses ended up snapping off. A little while later Nicco showed up and Skye got out of class for a break. We sat there and talked a while before Skye went back to class. Nicco then fixed my glasses with ducttape so that they would stay on my face. Skye's brother Codi ended up showing up a little while later. Nicco and Codi were picking on me about various things and we were all just talking and having a good time. I went to bio and came back. I went back to sitting with Nicco, Codi, and Skye who was already out of class. I was tired and I really didn't want to go to lab. We all talked a while longer, Skye went to class. About a half an hour later Nicco and Codi ended up leaving to go to game stop. Me and Daryan did our Bio quiz and then went to lab. We finished early. I left with Skye to go to karaoke where we met Nicco, Codi, Lizzie, Steven, and Jed. The usual group of people were there, too but I didn't really talk to any of them. Lizzie asked me a question that made me pretty happy. Steven, Jed, Lizzie and I ended up leaving around 10:30. We drove to Lizzie's grandmother's house to drop the boys off at their car and so Lizzie could sign a couple things. On the way back to my house the two of us talked about Steven and Skye a lot and our lives and whatever else is going on. There was a spot where there were about 2 million cones lining the road. (You had to switch sides of road for whatever reason, I forget.) And then when we finally got out of the cones there was a bunny on the side of the road. As we got closer it hopped towards the road...and then when we were about 15 feet away it just SPROUTS WINGS AND FLYS AWAY. It ended up being a bird, but both of us swore up and down that it was a rabbit. After we got to my house, The two of us and my sister talked about my sister's party and various other things. Lizzie left about an hour later. After she left I was working on this stuffed animal thing for Sculpture class. I ended up not finishing it 100% but I had to go to sleep because by this point it was 6AM and I had to be awake at 8:30. I ended up falling asleep around 6:30.

Tuesday, March 11

After that English entry I went to sculpture. We discussed our next projects, watched a movie about Ai Weiwei, and did critiques of the soft sculpture project. I ended up not bringing mine because the eyes and mouth were being held on by pins and it just wasn't a good idea. She said I could bring it in on Tuesday and she wouldn't take off any points. The first project we did I get to have a do-over on. (We all get one) because it didn't turn out so well. After that I got home, and fell asleep. I ended up falling asleep around 7 and waking up at 1:52. My mom recorded Twisted because she couldn't wake me up.

Wednesday, March 12

I went and took the midterm. It seemed WAY too easy, but I think I did alright. I'll let you know on Monday when she gives us our grades back. I went home with Daryan and Ben about an hour after class. It was raining. I got home and ate dinner. I watched the usual shows with my mom and then Criminal Minds.

Thursday, March 13

I posted another entry in English. I went and hung out in the student lounge and waited for Skye to get out of class. He was supposed to come over. After he got out, Kayla, Drew, him and me ended up going to Pizza hut. The pizza was so greasy it was practically swimming. It looked gross but tasted so good. We went back to Piedmont, Drew went to class, came back and borrowed my laptop to work on an assignment, and we all just sort of sat there for a while. A long while. It was really nice. I was listening to country music and sitting with Skye the whole time. We talked a little bit about nothing, all of us, but mostly we sat there. Kayla and I talked about having a fake wedding to each other because we are already fake engaged, (she asked me to marry her one day and I said yes) and so we are actually planning out a fake wedding that will take place in the summer time. Or at least when the weather is warmer. A little more nothing happened and then Skye smiled at me randomly and was just like "You're beautiful, especially right now" and then just hugged me tighter. I blushed. I had been thinking that he was especially attractive at that moment also...before he said anything. It was odd but wonderful. He ended up not being able to come over. We left around 7. Kayla and Drew drove me home because Drew was going over to Kayla's. I was struggling to stay awake the whole ride back. Once I got home I watched Grey's Anatomy with my mom. I fell asleep right after that. I woke up around 4, texted back a couple people, apologized to Skye for falling asleep mid-conversation (again), and then I went back to sleep.

Friday, March 14

I woke up around 11 and my mom and grandmother were not here. Apparently my grandma had had another doctors appointment. Once they got back, they told me we were leaving in a little while to get my eyes checked. I was trying to sleep a little longer. My mom said it was time to get up and I asked her to give me 5 more minutes, She agreed. I ended up falling asleep shortly there after. I ended up having another lucid dream, I realized I was dreaming because when I looked at a clock it said something like 8:13PM. I woke up for real and it was 12:33. My mom came in shortly thereafter to tell me that it had been 15 minutes. I got up and got dressed and we left. When we got to the eye doctor the lady at the desk told us that because things were going ahead of schedule they could fit me in without an appointment. This was awesome because there were about 4 people on a waiting list to make appointments. Once that was done we had to go in to walmart to get stuff and about an hour later we went home. (Yeah, it takes a while to walmart with us). Once we got home we all sat at the table with my sister eating chips and salsa. My mom took a nap on the couch and I listened to music while scrolling through tumblr and pinterest. Dinner was done a little less than an hour later. We all ate. Mom and I came back in the living room and watched TV. Shark Tank is on on Fridays. I talked to Skye and did internet things until about 4 in the morning. Momo is apparently mad at me again, that happened somewhere in this day. Anyway, I went to bed. (HAPPY PI DAY, EVERYONE!)

Saturday, March 15, Today

I woke up around 10, and 11, and then 12 because the dogs were FREAKING OUT over another dog being in the yard, but went back to sleep and really got up around 2. Juli was mad at me for eating one of her poptarts that I didn't know were her's. Skye was at work, I didn't really talk to him at all until, like, 11. I reorganized all of my pinterest boards and I think that's all I've done today besides type this entry. (...which has taken almost an hour) I listened to more country. Had pizza. I think that's about it.


I'm just sitting here typing this entry and trying to make sure I didn't miss anything too important. My friend Kyle posted an entry that was a story he wrote at some point during this amount of time which has inspired me to start writing again...only problem is that I have total writers block and have NO idea what to say. Ugh. I hate writers block. It's worse than artist's block. and having them both at the same time is just the worst. If I manage to come up with anything, though, I'll post it. I was thinking about posting a part of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago but I haven't decided yet. It relates back to the one Kyle wrote, that's why. Hmm. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway, I'm going to go check my Simpsons: Tapped Out game and then probably get some sleep. I should be back to writing tomorrow. I'm really going to try to post every day from now on. I mean, I'm on this website every time I'm on my computer, but for some reason I forget to write.

I doubt that anyone sat through this whole entry, but this has been my life for the last two weeks. I finally have my voice back and my cough is finally gone as of about 2 days ago. (Forgot to mention that part)

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