10. The Motherfucker Got Impeached in Space Skeleton FROM SPACE

  • Dec. 19, 2019, 10:51 a.m.
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[Politics warning. Also, politics you might not agree with. Right-wingers may want to skip this one]

That fat greasy fuck got impeached. Republicans will immediately jump in and say “Yeah, but he’s not being removed from office, lol, MAGA and other such bollocks”. And I kind of hope he doesn’t, I want to see him run again and get tarred and feathered and ran out of town like the crooked used-car-salesman fuck that he is.

Let me tell you, folks, being one of only three US Presidents in the fucking history of the United States to be impeached is not a good look. And that one motherfucker, that one cracker who compared Trump to Jesus H Christ Himself. What are you, a fucking imbecile? Stupid question, forget I asked.

I fucking hated Donald Trump long before he ran for President. I fucking hated him during the election. I fucking hate him now and I’ll fucking hate him when he’s being given the door. Fuck him, and fuck you if you voted for him.

ermentrude December 19, 2019

I never really knew who he was back in the early 90s but I remember feeling sick when I’m saw photos of him in the (UK) newspapers. There was just something slimy about his facial expressions!

I also agree with mujer, our Prime minister is a BJ with no happy ending.

Purple-Haired Prick ermentrude ⋅ December 19, 2019

I'm stealing that. "BJ with no happy ending", I like that. The problem is that blowjobs are generally quite pleasant even when they don't, erm, end happily. The same cannot be said of that fluffy haired twat-muffin.

ermentrude Purple-Haired Prick ⋅ December 19, 2019

This is a very good point!!

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