Belly Belly Belly in Pregnancy Journal
- Dec. 14, 2019, 10:15 a.m.
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My midwife and assistants absolutely loved my belly. It’s been a full 8 weeks since I saw my midwife, since she was at a birth during my last prenatal visit. I don’t remember exactly when my big belly ‘popped’, but it was in between that time. lol
I just wanna say it’s nice to be complimented when you feel like a hippopotamus.
I also started a hypnobirthing class. I was pretty skeptical about doing it, but my midwife highly recommended it. I’m so glad I sprang for it. Even though it was way more expensive than the other classes. Merry Christmas to me.
I’ve learned that a pain free birth is not only possible; but probable-!, with relaxation techniques. Man am I ever on board for that. I’ve been diligently listening to the recordings and doing the breathing exercises. It’s super nice because half the time I fall asleep through the long recordings; and it’s just as effective while sleeping! Whoever thought of this is a genius.
Oh my lord is baby MOVING. I think I spent over an hour in bed last night just trying to ignore it or move so I wouldn’t feel as much. -.- Every prenatal visit the Squid is in a new position. Went from transverse to breech and now head down anterior. This is my least favorite position. The kicks are right in my ribcage. Hands or head or whatever Squid parts there are seem to be giving my bladder an Indian Burn.
So much for quiet, comfortable relaxation. I keep wondering- what if Squid is squirming like that the whole way out??? Uhg.
Other than that, I’m supremely thankful I feel great. Energy out the wazoo- it’s like that second wind has hit. Time to get stuff done. It is really nice to be greeted with an emphatic
“You look WONDERFUL!” by family and friends I haven’t seen in a bit. Just knowing they are there and are looking forward to my baby as much as me is a huge moral booster.
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