New Pallets and liquidating possibility in Second 1st
- Dec. 12, 2019, 7:39 a.m.
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I wanted to get another pallet 3 weeks ago. … if not more. We finally went to get one yesterday. We bought 2 and Rocky said “If you get these listed before Christmas I bet they’d sell fast”..... .... … um no. I would have thought that way 3 weeks ago… now… with 2 weeks left?
I’m hosting Christmas. We are going to do a lunch thing. So we are going to have veggie trays and fruit and stuff for sandwiches. Honestly, I think I’m going to go to like Kroger today and see what I can order ahead of time so I can just pick it up and be that much more stress free.
I need to call a few places today too. I honestly want to see if anyone can come clean my house for Christmas?.... I haven’t talked about it with Rocky at all but he said he has no idea what to get me so.... I’ll pay part he pays part and we call it good. OR he can clean the house (to my specs.) for me before the lunch (26th at 11). I would honestly just need the kitchen, dining room, living room and bathroom done. I know I can do it and I have time but I don’t feel like I do ya know? especially if I’m going to log stuff and try to sell it BEFORE Christmas. smh after 2 weeks ago my intention was just to leave the stuff in the van and log it after .... while work is on Christmas break. I’m off from the 23-4th.....
As it is I talked to the guys last night at the liquidation place we get our pallets at. I should be taking some things down this next week and putting them in a box to take to them to put on auction.... or ebay. Apparently then do that for a cut. I have a bunch of stuff I’ve had a long time now and It’s not going to sell..... no reason why really.... but it’s sitting here not making money. All those items are 100% profit so we can afford to sell them for less than I wanted to initially. Which is the “prime” kinds of things they like to sell on the auction. Mike (the owner) said if “You don’t have room for new things to sell I can sell you things.” I didn’t know that it was even a thing to set things for commission in the auctions.
Current annoyance: I’m trying to do meal prep for the weekend and I decided a Chicken and rice thing. I had frozen some chicken earlier this week and had forgotten to pull anything to prep for myself for the weekend..... well apparently you can cook frozen chicken in the pressure cooker. However, the damn thing won’t seal .... boil up sure.... and I bet chicken is half cooked by now but it won’t seal! :( this is going to be a mess I’m sure of it. .... might as well pull some fish and let it thaw while I screw this up.
Also, we got a water spout in one of the 2 pallets we bought. You know a drinking fountain.... Like in schools n stuff. No way do I want to store that here.... and never be able to get rid of it.... Chris had looked it up and found that they sell for 1600..... so I asked if they do ebay consignments .... and they do. I’d be happy with 1/2 of 1400 and not having to deal with it at all. So we left it there for our first attempt. There were at least 2 cribs....
Not much to do today. Aside from regular clean up and prep.... we need to go to Wal-Mart sometime (probably go after I sort out this chicken) and the guy to switch us to AT&T Fiber is scheduled to be here sometime between 1 and 3.
Rice just burned to the pan.... Chickens not cooked through.... I’ll see if I can salvage it and then head out before Rocky gets up. Maybe I will get a thing or 2 logged today.
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