Wish Me Luck in Current Events
- Dec. 2, 2019, 11:58 a.m.
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I woke up pretty determined about not thinking too big today. To just think about the next steps. To not think about my problems but to think about my solutions and to be excited about all of the changed in my life instead of scared of them. I fell asleep to an anxiety attack last night and I really didn’t want to hesitate about leaving the house today to drop off some resumes. The first couple of places that I tried didn’t even accept resumes. They strictly do everything online. Vita Health was the one that I have my heart set on though. I made my way there and asked the woman at the counter if they accept resumes. She told me that they indeed do and that they are indeed hiring right now because they are short-staffed. The manager was not in yet but she took my resume to pass it on. I made it clear that my availability is wide open and she seemed pretty excited about my application so I feel pretty good about it. The employees on shift had big smiles on their faces also and I just felt pretty confident about the place. That it would be a good climate to work in. I decided to just not apply anywhere else and go do my grocery shopping because I want to put as much energy into getting hired there as possible. I’ll call the manager tomorrow if I don’t hear back from them by the end of the day. It’s Monday so I reckon that the manager has her profit and loss reports to do. I just need to land an interview. That’s where I will shine. Wish me luck.
Last updated December 02, 2019
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