Mold in Dreams

  • Nov. 29, 2019, 8:48 p.m.
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This one was quite interesting. Usually I can tease out some sort of allegorical meaning from my dreams, and this one eludes me. I know there is something there, but it seems quite deep.

I dreamt that I was a wilderness explorer/wanderer. I came upon a primitive tribe of sorts. I ended up helping them out in a big way, but in the process of doing this, I became contaminated with, or perhaps contracted, a very odd mold disease.
The disease was such that there were obvious signs of infection- it grew on the skin and was incredibly painful and debilitating. It was however, very slow to progress.
Debilitated, I stayed with the tribe for a long while. At first I didn’t know their language, but they were very grateful for the help I had contributed, and so were willing to put up with my ignorance of their language and their customs. After some time, while the mold disease continued to progress and cover ever larger areas of my skin, I learned their language and discovered that their medicine man was devising some sort of elaborate cure for the disease.
The cure he told to me was not based in any real medicine but was a sort of conglomeration of their traditional spiritual beliefs and some herbal things he prepared. It was an intricate scheme with many steps and which had to be done absolutely correctly or wouldn’t work.
I didn’t have much choice in the matter, as severely ill as I was and unable to seek medical help, I went along with this ruse and hoped to heaven that some of the herbs or something would work.
The medicine man then showed me a series of beautifully carved plates that hung suspended on strings, to be turned at random by the wind. They each depicted a symbol carved on both sides, and when they spun, the two carved symbols looked superimposed. (like the bird in the cage toy)
I was surprised when he explained the underlying meaning of these; every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect. They are in fact, one and the same.
Struck by this incredible insight from a man of supposed magic and irrational spiritual persuasion, I pondered this. Was my disease the symptom of something I was currently guilty of?
And as I worked through the medicine man’s seemingly senseless protocol, I began to realize it was specifically and uniquely designed for me to work through my own inner turmoils.

There was quite a bit more to the dream but that seems to me all the important parts.

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