Whinings From A Useless Lump. in The Everyday (A Diary Of Sorts)

  • Sept. 5, 2013, 7:11 p.m.
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This week has been a total waste; I haven't done a single thing all week except be sick. I think it's on account of the antibiotics I've been taking to make sure the infection in my arm doesn't come back. The antibiotic I've been taking twice a day is very potent and the side effects are just as strong and noticeable. Upset stomach and feeling tired all the time are the most common ones I felt this week. Along with those I've been spending a lot of time in the bathroom throwing up and doing other disgusting things that I will not talk about here. I'm sure you're thanking me for that.

I know this is not my best writing, for which I apologize, but I haven't been in such a great mood today and I really don't feel like trying to live up to some of the great authors. I could of course, discuss my bathroom activities, which I suppose would make for a good Stephen King thriller. Then again, I've never liked Stephen King all that much. Too much terror. I don't need to have nightmares. I have enough going on right now. Feh.

I have felt useless, for myself and anyone else. I don't like this feeling.

I keep telling myself this too shall pass, and I've been spending as much time as possible trying to find the silver lining in this dark cloud, but none seems to be present.

It's depression. I know it is.

And on top of all that, there's this insect flying around annoying me, trying to eat me alive all by itself. Because of the cat I won't use bug spray to get rid of it, but I have to get rid of it somehow.

Whine whine whine, is that all I can do? Right now, it seems so. No you don't have to whine with me, as my misery does not need company. I just want to be left alone. Go away world, just go away.

I guess there is one bright spot in all this. On Monday and Wednesday, dialysis went very well. I managed to behave myself concerning my fluid intake, so they didn't have to take a lot off of me. Therefore, dialysis was a piece of cake both days. I hope tomorrow is the same.

As good as that is, it doesn't suffice for a Silverlining. I'm still looking for that.

Mind you, I don't need anyone to sympathize with me. What I really need is someone to make me laugh. Please, someone tell me something hilarious. After all, laughter often does a world of good. I know it works for me.

What would help even more is if I felt less useless. That would be a good thing too. I like being productive.

Eventually, I once again will be. Until then, I am a lump, waiting to laugh.

Bound and Tied September 05, 2013

I accidentally showed my boob to everyone on the streetcar today. I was trying to carry 4 bags of groceries home the handle of the of one of the bags slid off my shoulder and down my arm and grabbed my blouse along the way. God knows HOW long I was standing their with people gawking at by boob. Finally, this very nice old man said to me, "Honey, are you TRYING to give this old man a heart attack? I haven't seen anything that looks THAT good in 20 years!" He pointed to my boob and I knew right then and there....that wearing a lace completely see through bra to the grocery store was a very very bad idea because there my left nipple was exposed to the entire train. There's your laugh. enjoy.

MJ's Page Bound and Tied ⋅ September 05, 2013

Rofl! You made at least me person's day!

Rick Bound and Tied ⋅ September 06, 2013

Oh my! I'm laughing so hard...and the old man's remark is absolutely priceless! LOL Thank you so much for sharing this obviously embarrassing moment with me and making me laugh today. I really needed it. :)

MJ's Page September 05, 2013

It's your Prosebox You can whine of you want to, whine if you want to, whine if you want to...

Lyn September 06, 2013

What's a frog's favorite soda? Croaka Cola.

Sending healing thoughts as well as the bad joke. :)

Rick Lyn ⋅ September 06, 2013

A good bad joke is one that is worth telling over and over again. That one's priceless. Thankx. :)

Kate September 06, 2013

I am sorry you are down. Not a joke, but it made me smile: "If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining."

Hope it makes you smile, too.

Rick Kate ⋅ September 06, 2013

Did I write that? I must have been in a fog. That's a damn good line. Thankx. :)

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