GIRLS ONLY in My this and that

  • March 12, 2014, 5:10 p.m.
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This is an entry about menstruation... Consider yourself warned.

I am on period #2 using my new Diva Cup. Have you heard of it? Neither had I until I saw a strange pin on Pinterest and decided to look into it.
Imagine if there was an even healthier way to deal with menstruation. Imagine if you didn't have to worry about TSS due to your tampons. Imagine if you could completely forget that you were even on your period for 12 whole hours?!

Well... that was enough to get me interested. I'm not a "crunchy" or someone who is fanatic about being all natural or things like this generally... but I do like to try to be as healthy as a lazy person can be. I mean, I gave the no-poo thing a shot and washed my hair with baking soda and vinegar for months! (It didn't work out for me and my type of hair, but it did get me into a cycle of not having to wash my hair every single day!).

So I read about it, and then my cousin found out I was reading about it and said she used one! What could be better than an insider who I could ask all my questions!

So basically, it's a little flexible cup that you insert, much like a tampon. You get it up in there, rotate it at the base once to make sure you have a good seal, and don't think about it all day, it just does it's job of collecting your blood for you! Then before bed I just pull it out by the little stem it has at the bottom, empty the contents (which sounds nasty, but if you're already dealing with tampons and blood anyway, it's not so bad), wash it out, and stick it back in. You just wash it at the end of your cycle, and store it in the pretty little bag it comes with. You can sterilize it by boiling it, and it is most certainly reusable. They say it's good for a year, but the reviews I read said some people had had them upwards of 5 years! They are made of silicon, which is the same stuff they make breast implants out of and those can stay in the body indefinitely with no real health consequences.

So I asked my cousin all my questions... very personal, kind of embarrassing:

"Have you ever spilled on yourself?" Answer was no. "Did it take much getting used to?" Answer: a bit, but now she wouldn't go back. "What if you need to empty it in a public washroom?" Answer: Just wipe it out and stick it back in... wash it next time.

She answered every question with complete honesty, which I really appreciated.

Anyway, I have started using it, and have quite liked it! I only experienced a bit of leakage the first time I used it, and that's because I hadn't gotten the hang of putting it in right. No more ruined underwear because you can put it in a day early if you need to and it doesn't hurt you at all! I love not having to worry about if I have tampons with me, or running out of tampons. So I wanted to share this discovery with you... perhaps you didn't even know there was such a thing, or perhaps you have heard about it but didn't know much about it. If you have questions feel free to ask, but also, here is the website:

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