the "unimportant" things from the last month in Second 1st

  • Nov. 20, 2019, 7:25 a.m.
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I always think I have nothing to write about … until it piles up and and feels like I have a HUGE amount.

William is doing well. At first he was really lonely but he’s got his (from his wife) kids overnight once a week and he’s now actually dating the “mistress”. He asked me out to Mexican last Friday to break the news to me like I’d hate it. In reality I think he’s one of the luckiest men alive. He cheated on his wife and chose his wife. Then his wife decided that she wanted a polyamorous relationship with the mistress. The mistress moved in and all was well to the point they all decided to have a second child with the mistress. Things fell apart though and the mistress moved out. Then the marriage fell apart due to issues that were there before the cheating happened. Now he’s getting the chance to start a real relationship with the mistress. How am I supposed to be upset about that? lol He made a choice and it failed and he still has the chance to make the other choice.... it’s more amazing than disappointing for sure.

Last week Rocky got a bonus at work. It’s a good bit enraging though.....Rocky got hired in and he was worried about money so he asked me not to put anything on the student loan. I watched our bank account climb a little and we had 2000 in there.... on a Thursday with nothing we needed. I wanted to pay off that student loan so bad. So I put $500 on it Monday because we wouldn’t need it all for anything and every bit helps right? .... Tuesday after lunch Rocky went down to the office at work to find out why he hadn’t gotten his bonus yet (should have gotten it Friday). The told him someone messed up and it was on hold. No problem we should see it on Wednesday. Wednesday morning we got up and he looked at his bank account smiled and told me to pay off my last student loan. He’d gotten 2,900! So I did then we went out and bought me a new Fitbit (Versa 2) and he got a new video game. Woke up Thursday morning and Rocky had a text message from work saying to come by the office. The mistake they had made..... that they had on hold… went through. So I had to move what we had in the house account to his account because they had to take all that back. So My loan is paid off BUT now I’m kinda freaking out about the house note.... which I would have chosen to pay before the Student loan had there been no bonus.

He still hasn’t gotten that straightened out. Yesterday he messaged them asking where his bonus was because they had taken the money out as of the 14th but he still didn’t have his bonus of $300. They said they had no proof that the 2,900 was taken out..... Rocky’s getting pretty angry over it.... everyone he knows (including a girl who doesn’t even work there anymore) has gotten theirs..... he said if it’s not resolved today he’s going to call a lawyer. So that’s potentially exciting.....

Other than that.... We’ve had some issues with appointments. We’ve been over lapping stuff and having to reschedule..... we had a ton of stuff scheduled for today. Luckily we got it all worked out and I just have a follow up for the migraines at Vanderbilt today.

Rocky has a follow up for his CPAP machine tomorrow.

We took his car to the shop yesterday. It’s scheduled in today but we dropped it off because of the overlaps and because we could. Rocky’s heater doesn’t work in his car so we have to get that done. Getting the vehicles up to par is priority now before we start on the next loan. He may have water in his oil.... needs new brakes… and the heater fixed. Mine needs a sensor reset.... A/C fixed … and there is an electrical issue with my passenger head light. Mine will go in after we get Rocky’s up. Then it will be on to the loan for the outgoing pipes. Currently with the minimum payment from loans that we have paid off going to the current loan we will be able to pay $200 a month on a $4,400 loan.... then whatever else we can come up with. After that is our “reward” trip to a casino. Can’t wait for that :)

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