Letting The Days Go By... in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • March 12, 2014, 12:26 a.m.
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Huh... apparently haven't written in a while (or my computer has gone mad again) because this "editor" looks vastly different from the last time I typed. Oh well.

I really wanted to write about my weekend but haven't had much opportunity of late. Saturday was "the start" of my Spring Break and I'd had this big plan for my wife and I. The plan... actually fairly worked out. I got us tickets to Shen Yun Dance and had the whole evening set... we ate at a nice Panda House Chinese Restaurant downtown and then hit the show. The Wife "dressed up" as much as she does (slacks, decent shirt, heels) and actually wore make up(!) The performance was pretty nice. Beautiful wardrobe, great dance numbers... it got a bit preachy towards the end because Shen Yun expresses a religious practice known as Falun Dafa. It is illegal in China (as are most public religious practices) and so they had several numbers towards the end expressing their oppression through dance. Over all, a good show, though. But of course... that was the entire evening. Don't get me wrong; it is wonderful to go on a date with my wife. But... if we weren't married, I at least would have gotten a good night kiss. I'm not saying that every date needs to end in passion; but... the idea that the concept has been entirely eliminated is depressing.

Sunday was an interesting day, though, as well because The Wife had the day off again. We watched The Heat (finally) and watched Grown Ups 2. Thing is... we also had a nice long talk about stuff that actually matters. We don't usually anymore. At one point, when I was talking about child rearing my wife actually said talk like that turned her on a bit. So... being intellectually a potential "good father" intellectually stimulates my wife to the point where she could conceivably consider potentially feeling a bit turned on. Somehow, that isn't as comforting a thought as I would have liked.

My Spring Break is off to a rocky start, though. I've got all this work that I'd LIKE to do... but, of course, there are things holding me back. First, I've still got a little work to do for my legal organization. :/ I was supposed to be home-clear but... I suppose a President's work is never done. Also, three of my classes decided to assign BIG projects to be worked on and completed during Spring Break.... but are any of those professors answering e-mails or phone calls during break? Of course not. I've been working on this TableTop game I've been creating off and on during Law School... and I am making some progress... but even there... it would go a lot better if I knew how to draw at all.

Finally.... about professors not reading e-mail over the break... that damned letter of recommendation I've needed? The only thing standing between me and finally being able to breath easy that I might actually be able to take the Iowa Bar Exam? Yeah- she's another one that isn't reading e-mail or responding to e-mail during the break. I NEED THAT LETTER, DAMMIT! If necessary... I'll throw a desperate hail-Mary plea to appeal to a random teacher to just write "LET HIM TAKE THE BAR" if I have to but... you'd think a Law Professor would understand the importance and pressing need of items required to take the bar exam!

856 Days and Counting

Tempestuous1 March 16, 2014

Some people just should not be in the positions they are in. I mean. if I were a professor, I'd still check my email on breaks, but wouldn't respond unless critical, which sounds like in this case it is. How rude.

So why do you think you weren't satisfied with her remarks as far as what was turning her on? Too little, too late? Children not your thing, etc.?

Park Row Fallout Tempestuous1 ⋅ March 16, 2014

I think I wasn't satisfied for something that could be considered a selfish reason. My "sexual life" is strictly contained to my experiences with my wife. As those have been painfully few and far between... I can only imagine how easy it would be for the wife to indefinitely postpone sexual intimacy if we have a child. In short, I guess I want sex to be a regular part of our lives as a married couple before we worry about our lives as parents.

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