Divorce and Detox in In the Nude

  • Nov. 3, 2019, 4:09 p.m.
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It looks like my marriage is crumbing to the end. It’s over. It’s been over. I just never had the guts to do anything about it. I have a child, plus, financially dependent on him. He’s a great father, just a shitty husband. There were fidelity issues initially, thus my lack of trust with him. Now I find out he’s in debt on his personal credit card. It’s been going on for over two years and he never told me. I found out via credit report bc we were planning on buying a home. As for detox, yup, I am one of the millions of people in this country dependent on opiods. Usual story; car accident, over prescribed, now I got a problem. GOOD NEWS though, I have been tapering off of them. I am now down to 7.5 mg a day with the percs. It was usually around 20mg a day I have slowly been weaning It’s been successful but I am now starting to feel the withdrawal on this level. I can feel it in my bones. Also, I have never cheating and taken more than I should. Slowly but surely I will kick it once and for all.A lot of change coming my way, but I have a plan and I am sticking to it. I don’t want to be in a shit marriage and I don’t want to be dependent on the pain meds anymore. I am getting my shit together. It’s just a lot of change at once, but once I make a plan I stick to it.

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