Sun gets the juices flowing in blackpropaganda
- March 10, 2014, 3:41 a.m.
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What joy, I found another refugee from OD yesterday - quite by chance, reading through the latest entries - and there was a familiar name - and we could catch up again.
Meanwhile, in the real world there must be concern about the loss of the Malaysian air liner on its way to Beijing - especially if no wreckage appears. The plane which blew out of the sky over Lockerbie was behind schedule and should have blown up over the Atlantic, but the wreckage offered clues to what had happened. Whether the right man was convicted of the crime is s till a matter of dispute. Still, it does make you glad that there are checks when you fly - but how stringent are they really?
And it is sunny - a big anti-cyclone is forecast to straddle the UK leading to quiet weather, sunshine - and for some spring temperatures. It is great to get up in the morning and not need the light on in the kitchen. Of course the US has already moved to summer time, but we have another couple of weeks - are the juices are beginning to flow.
And - putting drops in my ears to loosen the wax has made my hearing worse for the moment - I am missing lots of what SW... is saying (hooray!) - and having to say 'pardon' all the time - cannot hear people on the phone - and miss lots of things on tv. Hopefully on Wednesday the wax will go - and then we will see if I really am losing some hearing on a permanent basis.
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