The Bigger Goals: Weigh In and Measure In for March 9 in Healthy Bites
- March 9, 2014, 1:50 p.m.
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So, as I am progressing in the health journey, I have to give myself checks to make sure I am making some type of progress.
I know myself pretty well now. One of the things I have to do in order to be successful is record everything that I do in writing.
I have to actually see what I am doing to actually get how good or bad the behavior is. If I am not recording it in writing, what tends to happen is that I get derailed...and I also cannot see if there any trends of past behaviors which affects my present behavior.
After showering, I decided to measure myself and weight myself.
I am doing this because:
1) My body type: I have a very muscular frame. This means that when I exercise, the majority of my fat will turn into muscle. Muscle mass weighs more. That's how it is. So, I cannot measure just by how much I weigh...I have to measure by measurements.
So, I will do a weigh in and measure in monthly. This way, I won't be torturing myself...and I can make progress in the next four weeks to recaliberate and get back on the right track.
Now, this is going also by I am 5'2'':
For March 9, 2014, the results are:
Weigh In: 180 lbs Measurements: Belly: 41inches/Waist: 41 inches/his 40 inches/Bust 42 inches
Alright, we will see how it rolls next months!
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