Quitting smoking in Aftermath

  • Oct. 7, 2019, 6:58 p.m.
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I dont completely want to quit smoking but I HAVE to me being rushed to the hospital a few nights ago not able to breathe on oxygen nebulizers for 7 hours waa torture and scary, and it could have been alot worse!

I have been ignoring my wheezing lack of energy and coughing for a long time years and it has recently gotten worse until the perfect storm of me getting a cold on top of it has esculated whatever I have underlying!

Im scared. They said it could be copd empathsema however your spell it. Or asthma. Praying for just asthma.

Whatever it is I have officially fucked up my lungs most likely permanently how severe? I dont know. .

I love smoking and smoke alot but I absolutlely HATE it. Its a frienemy to me. Always there but slowly killing me.

I am scared that once my cold comes back that I will start again. As right now I couldnt even have 2 puffs without having a major coughing fit.

But as for now its hard but not as hard as I thought and I had a shit ass day on top of it all today.

So i havent smoked all day today.

So I guess today will officially be my quit day.

Reading alot of stop smoking books bought some gum. Just trying to hold on.

Wish me luck.

music & dogs & wine October 08, 2019

Good luck!!! I am in the same boat, I don't want to stop, but I know I should!!

I stopped 8 years ago when I had back surgery - I had to quit to have surgery, no brainer. I used the patch for 3 days and then stopped the patch and was fine. I think because I KNEW I had to, I did. After surgery, I started up about 2 weeks later.

I know you can do it if you decide to. My stepmom quit (also for a surgery) and she had smoked for 50 years! She took a pill her doc prescribed her. That was about 6 years ago and she never looked back!

Azzura music & dogs & wine ⋅ October 08, 2019

Thats great! Thanks for the inspiration!
Yeah I mean 2 months ago I was wanting to quit like about 60/100 than grandually the desire was getting bigger and bigger but I didnt know where to start/I didnt have a big push as I do right now.
So for me its not ALL because of this health scare but it was the push I needed. I know that it will be tough but as long as I keep aware I hope that I can really keep to it or at least if I mess up or slip I can stay determined to never stop quitting quitting you know?

Azzura music & dogs & wine ⋅ October 08, 2019

Your welcome to ride the boat to being smober with me!

Deleted user October 08, 2019

Yes yes yes me too!! We have to quit! I’m gonna do this with you. My quit day won’t be today, but by either tomorrow or Wednesday, I haven’t decided quite yet, but it WILL be one of those days. I don’t wanna get sick over this habit either, and I don’t even smoke that much... but it’s this nagging feeling that I have. And I cough quite a bit the days after a smoke like 3 cigs with my bosses and coworkers. I only smoke with them at work, but I wanna stop it ALL. We can do this.

Azzura Deleted user ⋅ October 08, 2019

I feel already since today was or errr yesterday I guess I didnt smoke a puff and basically havent had a full cigg since thursday that I feel calmer in some ways. Which shows you how much they really lie about how much ciggs relax you.
I get cravings still but a part of them is just like a thought about smoking than I say to myself no I dont smoke anymore, I am not going to smoke and I just kind of ride it out. I just try to focus on the long term benefits of quitting. Because ugh yeah coughing being a smoker sucks and is so annoying. I want to breathe easier! We can do this!

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