A Meme in Book Six: Trying to Hold On 2019

  • Oct. 3, 2019, 3:14 p.m.
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Yes, I’ve had this conversation. Multiple times. Honestly. I still don’t understand why a woman shorter than I would go to such great lengths to explain why she would “never date a man shorter than 6 feet.” I find it ludicrous. But then, I’ve said that before.

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Shattered October 03, 2019

If I have to question whether or not you are taller than me, you’re too short. But I’m only 5’4, so that’s not that hard. LOL.

Thalia October 03, 2019

Short guys are easier to kiss! And I can hold hands with them while walking around without feeling like I'm walking with my daddy (but not, like, a sexy daddy).

I think during my online dating days, I really just wanted him to be taller than me, which is pretty easy since I'm 5'1.

Perpetually Plump October 03, 2019

I'd really love to have solid proof that short women do not date men under 6' tall. I really don't believe this is a thing. I'm 5'4. My boyfriend is 5'10. My previous boyfriend was 5'....8? 7? It didn't matter. I've dated several guys my height or barely taller than me. I have been taller than men when I have on heeled boots or wedges. It just isn't a thing. And I've said this before, as well, but why would you want to date someone whose sole criteria for dating you is your height???? When I was doing online dating, if a guy messaged me and told me I was cute, I was rude as hell to him and blocked him, because I had a very well completed profile with looooooots of information to use for openers. I have zero interest in dating a guy who can only focus on my looks, because one day, I won't be this pretty. My boyfriend read my entire profile, and he messaged me a phenomenally great message based on what I had in my profile...and that was his biggest in.

Park Row Fallout Perpetually Plump ⋅ October 03, 2019 (edited October 03, 2019)


I could try to provide testimonial evidence as I've had a number of women in my life explain to me that they would not date someone under 6 feet tall while they themselves measured between 4'11 and 5'3. As to more solid proof other than the sheer number of anecdotal stories, memes, and reports to be found on-line I certainly couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But just as I believe the stories of women being harassed on the street without experiencing it myself, I would request that same level of credibility. As someone who has been called short for most of my life (my nickname for a long time was Elf if they weren't calling me a girls' name) it is something that is kind of a sore spot for me on principle.

One Angry Dwarf Park Row Fallout ⋅ October 03, 2019

Okay I'm starting with a tangential rant: As someone who doesn't give a shit about height--I'm 5"2' and dated a dude exactly my height and had zero issues with it--I find it annoying when dudes have "(their height), because APPARENTLY IT MATTERS" in their dating profiles. Like, bruh, don't come at me with this judgment of all women being shallow. Sweeping statements like that, projected to anyone who happens to see their profile, leave a rull bad taste in my mouth. It's like dudes who put "no drama" in there. Running under the assumption that enough women are "dramatic" that they have to weed them out with shitty declarative statements. JUST QUIT IT. If you think your height matters, just put your goddamn height in there. Don't add the caveat of "because I guess it matters," KEEP YOUR PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT MY GENDER TO YOURSELF.

(Or actually don't keep it to yourself, because then I know to avoid you. Never mind!)

(This is a general "you," not YOU, Park Row.)

Okay. So. THAT SAID. The sheer number of dudes who DO put this in their profile--I swear it's on half of Tinder profiles--leads me to believe that a lot of women DO have a preference and state it loudly. Otherwise why would all these dudes be so bitter and surly about their height? Who's perpetuating this attitude if there aren't women who require a certain number of inches (lol dick joke here)?

Aaaaand, I've definitely known women who clearly straight their height preference. I haven't heard a short woman say they REQUIRE a dude to be 6', but I know a lot of short women who won't date a dude who isn't substantially taller than them. That could mean 5'8" if they're 5'0", but they still want there to be a big difference.

I also know a lot of tall women who hate seeing a shawty with a dude over 6' because we should "save the tall men for the tall women." There truly is a thing about wanting a dude to be taller than you.

Anyway. IN SHORT (lol), although I find men's bitterness about height irritating, I also recognize it's a Real Thing. I'd probably be bitter about it if dudes loudly announced their preference for a C cup or higher. That preference exists with a lot of dudes, but I hardly ever see it blatantly stated. They just swipe left on me, and I never have to hear a list of the physical criteria I don't meet.

One Angry Dwarf Park Row Fallout ⋅ October 03, 2019

(jesus christ this is probably the longest comment I've ever written, SORRY)

Amaryllis One Angry Dwarf ⋅ October 03, 2019

I agree with the above - it's a common preference but that doesn't mean it's a dealbreaker for all women. That suggestion should be asinine for someone like you who prefers to deal in facts. (Are there married men under 6'0? Yes, there are. Conversation over.) Is there a correlation to height and men in relationships or number of partners? Yes, probably. Just like there is for someone with another common attractiveness feature - lovely face, beautiful long soft curly hair, perfect skin, great boobs, great ass, fit athletic body, nice bass voice, or any number of other things.

I like quiet, low-muscle, skinny men with anxiety. I'm not sure I'd choose that if it were a choice, but that's what I'm attracted to. More than 30-40 pounds overweight is 100% a dealbreaker for me. Height is not at all (except maybe if they were shorter than me.) Everybody has their things.

Deleted user October 03, 2019

I only ever heard people talk smack like that in middle or high school. "I only date tall guys, hardy har har." I've said senseless crap like that too, but I didn't really mean it. It was just a dumb way to take back the power I felt I'd lost after getting hurt or rejected.

Flame is Love October 03, 2019

I didn't realize this is a thing. I'm usually randomly attracted to short men but my husbands have been 6'4" and 6'2". (I'm 5'5")

Deleted user October 03, 2019

I definitely know that short women who only date men over 6 foot exist because I know one personally. She can’t be any more than 5 feet. And it makes zero sense to me. Someone who is 5’8 would be really tall for her!

Being 5’9 barefoot , I am definitely one who says leave the tall guys for the tall girls. I have been rejected twice by men who were a couple of inches shorter than me, because apparently I was too tall for them. So men get judged for being short, us tall women get judged for being too tall. Everyone has their preferences, it’s just a matter of trying to not take it personally. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Perpetually Plump Deleted user ⋅ October 05, 2019

I wish I was like 5'10!! My mom is 5'8, my sister is 5'9, my sister in law is 5'10, my bestie is 6'. And I'm stuck at 5'4. My mom has been married 4 times, my sister twice, my SIL once, and my bestie twice. It's funny how we always want what we're not...

Deleted user Perpetually Plump ⋅ October 05, 2019

I wouldn’t trade my height for anything lol. It’s nice to be the person who gets asked to reach things for people lol.

caramelchicken October 03, 2019

Yep, it doesn't make sense. But you know what? Fuck those women. Just like, fuck men who require a certain cup size etc.

It's good to be aware that it's a sore point for you. Don't dwell on it. And if/when you actively pursue other women... 1) Don't assume any rejections/lack of interest is because of your height, there are many factors which influence whether or not someone may be interested in you. 2) If you ever are specifically rejected because of your height, again - fuck 'em. Why would you care about the opinion of someone who is that superficial/ridiculous anyway?

5'5" girl here who has been attracted to anything from exactly my height to over a full head taller than me. I'd prefer for a guy to be just that bit taller than me without being too much taller, but it's not important - there are waaaay more things that matter far more and many factors that influence whether I'm interested in a guy.

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