update... kinda long in Second 1st

  • Oct. 3, 2019, 12:22 a.m.
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I had gone to the Docs on Tuesday and sent the release note to HR that night. I knew ..... just knew… it would time stamp when I opened it so even though I actually got it last week I waited to open it Tuesday evening. I’m glad I did because I was right and the note said I could have returned the 20th. HR has not mentioned that at all. It took till Thursday morning to get confirmation that I was to show up Friday for my regular shift.

Rocky had been saying “I’m craving a bloomin’ onion” for months so as a small celebration of me going back to work we went to Outback Steakhouse, Wednesday for lunch. Looking over the menu (after ordering drinks and the onion) we began to realize why we don’t eat there more often. Same size, same cut steak is 5 bucks more than at our regular steak place but … regular steak place doesn’t have bloomin onion.... so there is that. We order anyway. They bring out the bloomin’ onion.... mmmm lol but.... not the amazing satisfaction Rocky was looking for. He was actually kinda complaining about it like “there really isn’t a lot of batter on it is there” I agreed and honestly it was one of those kinda slightly seasoned things but with the sauce was too seasoned.... BUT.... even though it wasn’t awesome I was still upset that when we had eaten about 1/4 of it each Rocky suddenly remembered the onion on the list (see previous entry) and moved it away from me. He had another bite but then proclaimed it a loss. Said he’s be more satisfied with onion rings at Sonic (fast food joint for those of you who don’t know). The steaks looked good but were under cooked a tad so we ate our sides and took home the steak. Rocky said they would be better after they were microwaved.... he was right though lol. I had a sweet potato and a salad. The sweet potato was a fair bit smaller than it would be at our regular place and the dressing was not balsamic like I’d asked for.... but whatever I ate it anyways. We have now removed Outback from our list of places to eat.... after spending nearly $100! smh ANYWAYS.....

That night I had planned on having fajitas for Kerri and Joseph. They ate the crap out of them. I’m glad to see Kerri eating more. Most of the time you have to make her a kids plate.... yeah you have to make her.... because she won’t eat it otherwise. She just won’t eat anything. She will however tell you things like “the last time I ate was 2 tacos with Thomas yesterday for lunch”.... so we have to make her a plate.... she then feels obligated to eat it because we made it for her.... but she won’t make a plate on her own. So it’s really great to see her eat and get up for seconds. I myself after a kinda big lunch had 2.... my head had been hurting so I turned in early and left them to game or whatever.

Thursday, I spent part of the day cleaning, getting ready for the weekend. Another part I had to use to cook food for the weekend. I took the left over fajita stuffs and made rice and called that meals for Friday/Friday night. I’m big on left overs for 3 days so if I made it Thursday it would need to be trashed Saturday night/Sunday morning. So I had that set up for Friday having Rocky take some too.... and make spaghetti for the rest of the weekend.

Friday at work I did okay to start with… had a bit of dizzy from the get go.... but it was only after lunch that things went downhill. directly after I ate I was nauseated so I took some Zofran. Not long after that my head started to hurt.... I ended up taking 6 ibuprofen just to keep it from getting worse… but it did not get better. The doc had prescribed some heavy duty stuff for if it gets bad and I took some when I got home. I don’t know if it did anything because I couldn’t tell. I hit the shower, ate about half of the fajita/rice before I went to bed and passed out when my head hit the pillow. I don’t know if that was because of work or the med. (Sumatriptan).

Saturday went better. A bit dizzy most of the day but no headache till almost 5. Shift ends at 7 so I took 2 ibuprofen and dealt with it. I ate the last of the fajita/rice for dinner.

Sunday I made it all day.... sort of… They had asked me to go do something and gave me a time limit and I tried to do it.... on the way to the other side of the building … down a long wide hall.... the world started moving. I had gotten to the location I needed but couldn’t do the thing so I went back. Another couple mini spins.... I blame the leads for rushing me really. Also, they got someone else to do it as they should have because I wasn’t even in QC.... but whatever.

Monday, Rocky worked overtime and I worked on the computer.... cleaned up after our weekend.

Tuesday, same as Monday except I got done early with my goals and started setting up my next diamond painting. I had worked with a guy I didn’t know Sunday and he’s thinking about getting me to do one for him and his wife. I’d like to be able to give him a real time estimate so over the next few weeks I’m going to work on that fairly diligently. I worked on the new one 3 hours yesterday and still don’t have it completely set up. It’s the biggest one I’ve done so far at 60x75cm (23.62 inches x 29.5 inches). There are 73,084 tiny (2.5mm) pieces to put on it. I”m hopeful to have it done within the month. Technically starting it the first and working on it each day I’m off.... after my 10$ goal on Mturk.

Today....the plan is to be laid back today. i should spend most of the day working on the Diamond painting .... it’s a super cute surreal picture. Imagine on a table your cell phone, keys, a cup of coffee on a saucer with a spoon, and a cookie. Then there is a woman sitting Indian style IN the coffee taking in a much smaller cup. She is most assuredly being consumed by that super satisfaction you find in the first good drink of life..... sigh I’ll really have to figure out how to post a picture here when I’m done… if it looks as good as I imagine it will maybe I’ll look into getting a replica of a Salvador Dali or even something Jim Warren.... it would be custom work I’m sure.

There is still more floating in my head.... poor head lol I’m gonna do another entry....

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