Help me improve PB's navigation in Site Updates (Josh)

  • Sept. 30, 2019, 7:12 p.m.
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Hey everyone,

I love this time of year. The weather’s starting to get chilly, and pumpkin flavored everything has taken over (if you’re in north america ;) ). If you have any suggestions for Mochi sweaters, do let me know.

I’m excited to introduce a friend of mine that I’ve brought on board to help me out with some research work. Her name is PJ, and she’s an aspiring UX researcher. I’ve been mentoring her for the last six months, and she’s excited to meet all of you and work on the site.

I’ll let her introduce herself:

Hi Everybody! I’m PJ (or Pajamas, to suit these cozy autumn evenings), and I’m a mentee of Josh and Mochi. They’ve been teaching me about UX research for the past six months and of all the endeavors that Josh has introduced me to, Prosebox is the one that really struck a chord with me. One of the reasons that I want to do what Josh does is that his work helps people, and Prosebox is the epitome of that. The other reason is that I think it will bring me closer to getting a pup of my own. Either a shiba inu or a pug, I think.

You seem like a wonderful community and I can’t wait to be a part of it.

Clinking hot chocolate mugs with tiny marshmallows,

[takes back the mic]

Awesome, thanks PJ!

So, the exercise we’re going to have you do is called “card sorting”. You’ll be taking a list of items (in this case navigation links in the menu) and grouping them in a way that makes sense to you. After that, you’ll give each group a name and that will be the name of the dropdown. That’s it! Just a heads up, though – it unfortunately will only work on a computer since you need to drag and drop.

After a week, we’ll take a look at the results and hopefully have a solid way forward. We’ll also be running a second survey to verify these results shortly after.

We’re both excited to see what comes out of this research – the navigation is something I’ve wanted to work on since I took over the site. Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

Take the survey
(should take 10-15 mins)



Last updated October 01, 2019

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