heartbreak in hi
- March 6, 2014, 5:45 p.m.
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We lost a horse...a young horse...one who wasn't sick or elderly in this brutal winter. On Monday he was fine...on Tuesday died.
We called the vet, but he had colicked overnight and was euthanized while my husband held him close.
I was at work. Without a car because we had an accountant appointment in town so we went in together, and planned to go out to dinner when I was picked up. So I couldn't get home...
I cried as I told my husband to cut off his tail and mane so we could have them braided into a piece of jewelry for him. I sobbed in the break room at work...repeatedly.
He is buried high on a hill overlooking the bay.....we will put a lovely bench there as a memorial to him.
A piece of my heart has died with him.
I pretend to be strong and don't cry so that my husband can have room to grieve...it was his horse...
Songbird3 ⋅ March 06, 2014
Oh, that is so sad. I'm sorry. Nothing can be done when they "colick?" I don't know what that is.
New moon girl ⋅ March 10, 2014
So sad, so sorry