20 weeks (deja vu) + gender reveal! in Baby Stuff

  • March 6, 2014, 9:49 a.m.
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I had my ultrasound today! Based on my last period I would be 21 weeks today but Baby is measuring at 20 weeks, which I already figured because I know I ovulate ater than "normal" period lengths. Everything looked good and my new due date is July 22. Canon's due date was August 22. :)

And the big reveal... We are having a girl! Her name is Lorelei Hazel.

We have everything moved in to the new place now, so I've been super busy. I'm tired.

Oh, and I was right about having an anterior placenta. That's why it's more difficult for me to feel movements. But she's very active! She yawned twice duriing the ultrasound and went to sleep. SO CUTE.

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